

McGettrick, Aileen, Edward Feener, and Ronald Kahn. 2005. “Human insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) polymorphism G972R causes IRS-1 to associate with the insulin receptor and inhibit receptor autophosphorylation”. J Biol Chem 280 (8): 6441-6.
The most commonly detected polymorphism in human insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1), a glycine to arginine change at codon 972 (G972R), is associated with an increased risk of Type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance. To determine the molecular mechanism by which this polymorphism may be linked to insulin resistance, we produced recombinant peptides comprising amino acid residues 925-1008 from IRS-1 that contain either a glycine or arginine at codon 972 and the two nearby tyrosine phosphorylation consensus sites (EY(941)MLM and DY(989)MTM), which are known binding sites for the p85alpha regulatory subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. The wild type peptide could be phosphorylated at these sites in vitro by purified insulin receptor. Introduction of the G972R polymorphism into the peptide reduced the amount of tyrosine phosphorylation by >60%. Pull-down experiments indicated that there was an association between the IRS-1-(925-1008) peptide and the insulin receptor that was markedly enhanced by the presence of the G972R polymorphism. The use of additional overlapping fragments localized this interaction to domains between residues 950-986 of IRS-1 and residues 966-1271 of the insulin receptor, containing the tyrosine kinase domain of the receptor. In addition, the IRS-1-(925-1008) G972R peptide acted as a competitive inhibitor of insulin receptor and insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor autophosphorylation. Taken together, these data indicate that the G972R naturally occurring polymorphism of IRS-1 not only reduces phosphorylation of the substrate but allows IRS-1 to act as an inhibitor of the insulin receptor kinase, producing global insulin resistance.
Ehrenkranz, Joel, Norman Lewis, Ronald Kahn, and Jesse Roth. 2005. “Phlorizin: a review”. Diabetes Metab Res Rev 21 (1): 31-8.
The dihydrochalcone phlorizin is a natural product and dietary constituent found in a number of fruit trees. It has been used as a pharmaceutical and tool for physiology research for over 150 years. Phlorizin's principal pharmacological action is to produce renal glycosuria and block intestinal glucose absorption through inhibition of the sodium-glucose symporters located in the proximal renal tubule and mucosa of the small intestine. This review covers the role phlorizin has played in the history of diabetes mellitus and its use as an agent to understand fundamental concepts in renal physiology as well as summarizes the physiology of cellular glucose transport and the pathophysiology of renal glycosuria. It reviews the biology and pathobiology of glucose transporters and discusses the medical botany of phlorizin and the potential effects of plant flavonoids, such as phlorizin, on human metabolism. Lastly, it describes the clinical pharmacology and toxicology of phlorizin, including investigational uses of phlorizin and phlorizin analogs in the treatment of diabetes, obesity, and stress hyperglycemia.
Fu, Mingui, Jifeng Zhang, Yu-Hua Tseng, Taixing Cui, Xiaojun Zhu, Yan Xiao, Yongshan Mou, et al. 2005. “Rad GTPase attenuates vascular lesion formation by inhibition of vascular smooth muscle cell migration”. Circulation 111 (8): 1071-7.
BACKGROUND: Rad (Ras associated with diabetes) GTPase is a prototypic member of a new subfamily of Ras-related GTPases with unique structural features, although its physiological role remains largely unknown. In the present study, we characterized the Rad function in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) and the influence of adenovirus-mediated Rad (Ad-Rad) gene delivery on vascular remodeling after experimental angioplasty. METHODS AND RESULTS: We documented for the first time that neointimal formation using balloon-injured rat carotid arteries was associated with a significant increase in Rad expression as determined by immunohistochemistry and quantitative real-time reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. The levels of Rad expression in VSMCs were highly induced by platelet-derived growth factor and tumor necrosis factor-alpha. Morphometric analyses 14 days after injury revealed significantly diminished neointimal formation in the Ad-Rad-treated carotid arteries compared with Ad-GFP or PBS controls, whereas the mutated form of Rad GTPase, which can bind GDP but not GTP, increased neointimal formation. Overexpression of Rad significantly inhibited the attachment and migration of VSMCs. In addition, Rad expression dramatically reduced the formation of focal contacts and stress fibers in VSMCs by blocking the Rho/ROK signaling pathway. CONCLUSIONS: Our data clearly identified Rad GTPase as a novel and critical mediator that inhibits vascular lesion formation. Manipulation of the Rad signaling pathway may provide new therapeutic approaches that will limit vascular pathological remodeling.
Wijesekara, Nadeeja, Daniel Konrad, Mohamed Eweida, Craig Jefferies, Nicole Liadis, Adria Giacca, Mike Crackower, et al. (2005) 2005. “Muscle-specific Pten deletion protects against insulin resistance and diabetes”. Mol Cell Biol 25 (3): 1135-45.
Pten (phosphatase with tensin homology), a dual-specificity phosphatase, is a negative regulator of the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt signaling pathway. Pten regulates a vast array of biological functions including growth, metabolism, and longevity. Although the PI3K/Akt pathway is a key determinant of the insulin-dependent increase in glucose uptake into muscle and adipose cells, the contribution of this pathway in muscle to whole-body glucose homeostasis is unclear. Here we show that muscle-specific deletion of Pten protected mice from insulin resistance and diabetes caused by high-fat feeding. Deletion of muscle Pten resulted in enhanced insulin-stimulated 2-deoxyglucose uptake and Akt phosphorylation in soleus but, surprisingly, not in extensor digitorum longus muscle compared to littermate controls upon high-fat feeding, and these mice were spared from developing hyperinsulinemia and islet hyperplasia. Muscle Pten may be a potential target for treatment or prevention of insulin resistance and diabetes.


Chen, Dong, Franck Mauvais-Jarvis, Matthias Bluher, Simon Fisher, Alison Jozsi, Laurie Goodyear, Kohjiro Ueki, and Ronald Kahn. (2004) 2004. “p50alpha/p55alpha phosphoinositide 3-kinase knockout mice exhibit enhanced insulin sensitivity”. Mol Cell Biol 24 (1): 320-9.
Class Ia phosphoinositide (PI) 3-kinases are heterodimers composed of a regulatory and a catalytic subunit and are essential for the metabolic actions of insulin. In addition to p85alpha and p85beta, insulin-sensitive tissues such as fat, muscle, and liver express the splice variants of the pik3r1 gene, p50alpha and p55alpha. To define the role of these variants, we have created mice with a deletion of p50alpha and p55alpha by using homologous recombination. These mice are viable, grow normally, and maintain normal blood glucose levels but have lower fasting insulin levels. Results of an insulin tolerance test indicate that p50alpha/p55alpha knockout mice have enhanced insulin sensitivity in vivo, and there is an increase in insulin-stimulated glucose transport in isolated extensor digitorum longus muscle tissues and adipocytes. In muscle, loss of p50alpha/p55alpha results in reduced levels of insulin-stimulated insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1) and phosphotyrosine-associated PI 3-kinase but enhanced levels of IRS-2-associated PI 3-kinase and Akt activation, whereas in adipocytes levels of both insulin-stimulated PI 3-kinase and Akt are unchanged. Despite this, adipocytes of the knockout mice are smaller and have increased glucose uptake with altered glucose metabolic pathways. When treated with gold thioglucose, p50alpha/p55alpha knockout mice become hyperphagic like their wild-type littermates. However, they accumulate less fat and become mildly less hyperglycemic and markedly less hyperinsulinemic. Taken together, these data indicate that p50alpha and p55alpha play an important role in insulin signaling and action, especially in lipid and glucose metabolism.
Cariou, Bertrand, Catherine Postic, Philippe Boudou, Remy Burcelin, Ronald Kahn, Jean Girard, Anne-Françoise Burnol, and Franck Mauvais-Jarvis. (2004) 2004. “Cellular and molecular mechanisms of adipose tissue plasticity in muscle insulin receptor knockout mice”. Endocrinology 145 (4): 1926-32.
White adipose tissue (WAT) plays a critical role in the development of insulin resistance via secretion of free fatty acids (FFA) and adipocytokines. Muscle-specific insulin receptor knockout (MIRKO) mice do not develop insulin resistance or diabetes under physiological conditions despite a marked increase in adiposity and plasma FFA. On the contrary, WAT of MIRKO is sensitized to insulin action during a euglycemic clamp, and WAT glucose utilization is dramatically increased. To get insight into the potential antidiabetic role of MIRKO adiposity, we have studied insulin action in WAT during a euglycemic, hyperinsulinemic clamp, and we have characterized the morphology and biology of WAT. During the clamp, there is no alteration in the expression or activation in the insulin signaling molecules involved in glucose transport through the phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt and CAP/Cbl pathways in WAT from MIRKO. The 53% increase in WAT mass results from a 48% increase in adipocyte number (P 0.05) without alteration in cell size and contemporary to a 300% increase in mRNA levels of the adipogenic transcription factor CCAAT enhancer binding protein-alpha (C/EBP-alpha) (P 0.05). There is a 39.5% increase in serum adiponectin (P 0.01) without modification in serum leptin, resistin, and TNF-alpha. In conclusion, the MIRKO mouse displays muscle insulin resistance, visceral obesity, and dyslipidemia but does not develop hyperinsulinemia or diabetes. There is an accelerated differentiation of small insulin sensitive adipocytes, an increased secretion of the insulin sensitizer adiponectin, and maintenance of leptin sensitivity. The MIRKO mouse confirms the importance of WAT plasticity in the maintenance of whole body insulin sensitivity and represents an interesting model to search for new secreted molecules that positively alter adipose tissue biology.
Kitamura, Tadahiro, Yukari Kitamura, Jun Nakae, Antonio Giordano, Saverio Cinti, Ronald Kahn, Argiris Efstratiadis, and Domenico Accili. (2004) 2004. “Mosaic analysis of insulin receptor function”. J Clin Invest 113 (2): 209-19.
Insulin promotes both metabolism and growth. However, it is unclear whether insulin-dependent growth is merely a result of its metabolic actions. Targeted ablation of insulin receptor (Insr) has not clarified this issue, because of early postnatal lethality. To examine this question, we generated mice with variable cellular mosaicism for null Insr alleles. Insr ablation in approximately 80% of cells caused extreme growth retardation, lipoatrophy, and hypoglycemia, a clinical constellation that resembles the human syndrome of leprechaunism. Insr ablation in 98% of cells, while resulting in similar growth retardation and lipoatrophy, caused diabetes without beta-cell hyperplasia. The growth retardation was associated with a greater than 60-fold increase in the expression of hepatic insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1. These findings indicate that insulin regulates growth independently of metabolism and that the number of insulin receptors is an important determinant of the specificity of insulin action.
Cohen, Tseng, Michael, and Kahn. (2004) 2004. “Effects of insulin-sensitising agents in mice with hepatic insulin resistance”. Diabetologia 47 (3): 407-11.
AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: The metabolic abnormalities of insulin resistance are ameliorated by insulin sensitisers via different mechanisms. Metformin decreases hepatic glucose output, whereas rosiglitazone (RSG) is an agonist for peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR)gamma, highly expressed in fat. To gain insight into the mechanisms of action of these drugs, we compared their actions in two models of insulin resistance: the obese, hyperglycaemic ob/ob mouse and the liver specific insulin receptor knockout (LIRKO) mouse. METHODS: Control, ob/ob, and LIRKO mice were divided into three groups that received metformin (300 mg/kg body weight/day), RSG (3 mg/kg body weight/day), or placebo for 3 weeks. RESULTS: In the presence of the severe hepatic insulin resistance of the LIRKO mouse, neither metformin nor RSG had any significant effect on glucose or insulin tolerance tests. On the other hand, RSG decreased serum concentrations of total cholesterol, LDL, and HDL in LIRKO mice. Adipocyte PPARgamma gene and protein expression, and adipocyte size were all increased in LIRKO mice treated with RSG, whereas fat-cell size in control animals was decreased by RSG. CONCLUSION/INTERPRETATION: TZDs probably improve some lipid parameters of the dysmetabolic syndrome associated with diabetes mellitus even in the presence of absolute hepatic insulin resistance, but both metformin and TZDs require an operating insulin signalling system in the liver for their effects in glucose homeostasis.
Kulkarni, Rohit, Ulupi Jhala, Jonathon Winnay, Stan Krajewski, Marc Montminy, and Ronald Kahn. (2004) 2004. “PDX-1 haploinsufficiency limits the compensatory islet hyperplasia that occurs in response to insulin resistance”. J Clin Invest 114 (6): 828-36.
Inadequate compensatory beta cell hyperplasia in insulin-resistant states triggers the development of overt diabetes. The mechanisms that underlie this crucial adaptive response are not fully defined. Here we show that the compensatory islet-growth response to insulin resistance in 2 models--insulin receptor (IR)/IR substrate-1 (IRS-1) double heterozygous mice and liver-specific IR KO (LIRKO) mice--is severely restricted by PDX-1 heterozygosity. Six-month-old IR/IRS-1 and LIRKO mice both showed up to a 10-fold increase in beta cell mass, which involved epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. In both models, superimposition of PDX-1 haploinsufficiency upon the background of insulin resistance completely abrogated the adaptive islet hyperplastic response, and instead the beta cells showed apoptosis resulting in premature death of the mice. This study shows that, in postdevelopmental states of beta cell growth, PDX-1 is a critical regulator of beta cell replication and is required for the compensatory response to insulin resistance.
Asilmaz, Esra, Paul Cohen, Makoto Miyazaki, Pawel Dobrzyn, Kohjiro Ueki, Gulnorakhon Fayzikhodjaeva, Alexander Soukas, et al. (2004) 2004. “Site and mechanism of leptin action in a rodent form of congenital lipodystrophy”. J Clin Invest 113 (3): 414-24.
Lipodystrophy is characterized by the complete or partial absence of adipose tissue, insulin resistance, hepatic steatosis, and leptin deficiency. Here, we show that low-dose central leptin corrects the insulin resistance and fatty liver of lipodystrophic aP2-nSREBP-1c mice, while the same dose given peripherally does not. Central leptin also repressed stearoyl-CoA desaturase-1 (SCD-1) RNA and enzymatic activity, which were increased in livers of lipodystrophic mice. aP2-nSREBP-1c mice homozygous for an SCD-1 deletion had markedly reduced hepatic steatosis, increased saturated fatty acids, decreased acetyl-CoA carboxylase activity, and decreased malonyl-CoA levels in the liver. Despite the reduction in hepatic steatosis, these mice remained diabetic. A leptin dose-response curve showed that subcutaneous leptin improved hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia in aP2-nSREBP-1c mice at doses that did not substantially alter hepatic steatosis or hepatic SCD enzymatic activity. Leptin treatment at this dose improved insulin-stimulated insulin receptor and insulin receptor substrate 2 (IRS-2) phosphorylation, IRS-2-associated PI3K activity, and Akt activity in liver. Together, these data suggest that CNS-mediated repression of SCD-1 contributes to leptin's antisteatotic actions. Intracerebroventricular leptin improves glucose homeostasis by improving insulin signal transduction in liver, but in this case the effect appears to be independent of SCD-1.