Publications by Year: 2009


Ikeda, Hiroyuki, Ichiro Shiojima, Yukako Ozasa, Masashi Yoshida, Martin Holzenberger, Ronald Kahn, Kenneth Walsh, Takashi Igarashi, Dale Abel, and Issei Komuro. (2009) 2009. “Interaction of myocardial insulin receptor and IGF receptor signaling in exercise-induced cardiac hypertrophy”. J Mol Cell Cardiol 47 (5): 664-75.
Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) signaling has recently been implicated in the development of cardiac hypertrophy after long-term endurance training, via mechanisms that may involve energetic stress. Given the potential overlap of insulin and IGF-1 signaling we sought to determine if both signaling pathways could contribute to exercise-induced cardiac hypertrophy following shorter-term exercise training. Studies were performed in mice with cardiac-specific IGF-1 receptor (IGF1R) knockout (CIGFRKO), mice with cardiac-specific insulin receptor (IR) knockout (CIRKO), CIGFRKO mice that lacked one IR allele in cardiomyocytes (IGFR-/-IR+/-), and CIRKO mice that lacked one IGF1R allele in cardiomyocytes (IGFR+/-IR-/-). Intravenous administration of IGF-1 or 75 hours of swimming over 4 weeks increased IGF1R tyrosine phosphorylation in the heart in control and CIRKO mice but not in CIGFRKO mice. Intriguingly, IR tyrosine phosphorylation in the heart was also increased following IGF-1 administration or exercise training in control and CIGFRKO mice but not in CIRKO mice. The extent of cardiac hypertrophy following exercise training in CIGFRKO and CIRKO mice was comparable to that in control mice. In contrast, exercise-induced cardiac hypertrophy was significantly attenuated in IGFR-/-IR+/- and IGFR+/-IR-/- mice. Thus, IGF-1 and exercise activates both IGF1R and IR in the heart, and IGF1R- and IR-mediated signals may serve redundant roles in the hypertrophic responses of the heart to exercise training.
Ristow, Michael, Kim Zarse, Andreas Oberbach, Nora Klöting, Marc Birringer, Michael Kiehntopf, Michael Stumvoll, Ronald Kahn, and Matthias Bluher. 2009. “Antioxidants prevent health-promoting effects of physical exercise in humans”. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 106 (21): 8665-70.
Exercise promotes longevity and ameliorates type 2 diabetes mellitus and insulin resistance. However, exercise also increases mitochondrial formation of presumably harmful reactive oxygen species (ROS). Antioxidants are widely used as supplements but whether they affect the health-promoting effects of exercise is unknown. We evaluated the effects of a combination of vitamin C (1000 mg/day) and vitamin E (400 IU/day) on insulin sensitivity as measured by glucose infusion rates (GIR) during a hyperinsulinemic, euglycemic clamp in previously untrained (n = 19) and pretrained (n = 20) healthy young men. Before and after a 4 week intervention of physical exercise, GIR was determined, and muscle biopsies for gene expression analyses as well as plasma samples were obtained to compare changes over baseline and potential influences of vitamins on exercise effects. Exercise increased parameters of insulin sensitivity (GIR and plasma adiponectin) only in the absence of antioxidants in both previously untrained (P 0.001) and pretrained (P 0.001) individuals. This was paralleled by increased expression of ROS-sensitive transcriptional regulators of insulin sensitivity and ROS defense capacity, peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma), and PPARgamma coactivators PGC1alpha and PGC1beta only in the absence of antioxidants (P 0.001 for all). Molecular mediators of endogenous ROS defense (superoxide dismutases 1 and 2; glutathione peroxidase) were also induced by exercise, and this effect too was blocked by antioxidant supplementation. Consistent with the concept of mitohormesis, exercise-induced oxidative stress ameliorates insulin resistance and causes an adaptive response promoting endogenous antioxidant defense capacity. Supplementation with antioxidants may preclude these health-promoting effects of exercise in humans.
Wang, Xiaohui, Ryo Suzuki, Kevin Lee, Thien Tran, Jenny Gunton, Asish Saha, Mary-Elizabeth Patti, et al. (2009) 2009. “Ablation of ARNT/HIF1beta in liver alters gluconeogenesis, lipogenic gene expression, and serum ketones”. Cell Metab 9 (5): 428-39.
We have previously shown that expression of the transcription factor ARNT/HIF1beta is reduced in islets of humans with type 2 diabetes. We have now found that ARNT is also reduced in livers of diabetics. To study the functional effect of its reduction, we created mice with liver-specific ablation (L-ARNT KO) using ARNT loxP mice and adenoviral-mediated delivery of Cre. L-ARNT KO mice had normal blood glucose but increased fed insulin levels. These mice also exhibited features of type 2 diabetes with increased hepatic gluconeogenesis, increased lipogenic gene expression, and low serum beta-hydroxybutyrate. These effects appear to be secondary to increased expression of CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein alpha (C/EBPalpha), farnesoid X receptor (FXR), and sterol response element-binding protein 1c (SREBP-1c) and a reduction in phosphorylation of AMPK without changes in the expression of enzymes in ketogenesis, fatty acid oxidation, or FGF21. These results demonstrate that a deficiency of ARNT action in the liver, coupled with that in beta cells, could contribute to the metabolic phenotype of human type 2 diabetes.
Sajan, Standaert, Rivas, Miura, Kanoh, Soto, Taniguchi, Kahn, and Farese. (2009) 2009. “Role of atypical protein kinase C in activation of sterol regulatory element binding protein-1c and nuclear factor kappa B (NFkappaB) in liver of rodents used as a model of diabetes, and relationships to hyperlipidaemia and insulin resistance”. Diabetologia 52 (6): 1197-207.
AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Previous findings in rodents used as a model of diabetes suggest that insulin activation of atypical protein kinase C (aPKC) is impaired in muscle, but, unexpectedly, conserved in liver, despite impaired hepatic protein kinase B (PKB/Akt) activation. Moreover, aPKC at least partly regulates two major transactivators: (1) hepatic sterol receptor binding protein-1c (SREBP-1c), which controls lipid synthesis; and (2) nuclear factor kappa B (NFkappaB), which promotes inflammation and systemic insulin resistance. METHODS: In Goto-Kakizaki rats used as a model of type 2 diabetes, we examined: (1) whether differences in hepatic aPKC and PKB activation reflect differences in activation of IRS-1- and IRS-2-dependent phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K); (2) whether hepatic SREBP-1c and NFkappaB are excessively activated by aPKC; and (3) metabolic consequences of excessive activation of hepatic aPKC, SREBP-1c and NFkappaB. RESULTS: In liver, as well as in muscle, IRS-2/PI3K activation by insulin was intact, whereas IRS-1/PI3K activation by insulin was impaired. Moreover, hepatic IRS-2 is known to control hepatic aPKC during insulin activation. Against this background, selective inhibition of hepatic aPKC by adenoviral-mediated expression of mRNA encoding kinase-inactive aPKC or short hairpin RNA targeting Irs2 mRNA and partially depleting hepatic IRS-2 diminished hepatic SREBP-1c production and NFkappaB activities, concomitantly improving serum lipids and insulin signalling in muscle and liver. Similar improvements in SREBP-1c, NFkappaB and insulin signalling were seen in ob/ob mice following inhibition of hepatic aPKC. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: In diabetic rodent liver, diminished PKB activation may largely reflect impaired IRS-1/PI3K activation, while conserved aPKC activation reflects retained IRS-2/PI3K activity. Hepatic aPKC may also contribute importantly to excessive SREPB-1c and NFkappaB activities. Excessive hepatic aPKC-dependent activation of SREBP-1c and NFkappaB may contribute importantly to hyperlipidaemia and systemic insulin resistance.
Cypess, Aaron, Sanaz Lehman, Gethin Williams, Ilan Tal, Dean Rodman, Allison Goldfine, Frank Kuo, et al. 2009. “Identification and importance of brown adipose tissue in adult humans”. N Engl J Med 360 (15): 1509-17.
BACKGROUND: Obesity results from an imbalance between energy intake and expenditure. In rodents and newborn humans, brown adipose tissue helps regulate energy expenditure by thermogenesis mediated by the expression of uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1), but brown adipose tissue has been considered to have no physiologic relevance in adult humans. METHODS: We analyzed 3640 consecutive (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose ((18)F-FDG) positron-emission tomographic and computed tomographic (PET-CT) scans performed for various diagnostic reasons in 1972 patients for the presence of substantial depots of putative brown adipose tissue. Such depots were defined as collections of tissue that were more than 4 mm in diameter, had the density of adipose tissue according to CT, and had maximal standardized uptake values of (18)F-FDG of at least 2.0 g per milliliter, indicating high metabolic activity. Clinical indexes were recorded and compared with those of date-matched controls. Immunostaining for UCP1 was performed on biopsy specimens from the neck and supraclavicular regions in patients undergoing surgery. RESULTS: Substantial depots of brown adipose tissue were identified by PET-CT in a region extending from the anterior neck to the thorax. Tissue from this region had UCP1-immunopositive, multilocular adipocytes indicating brown adipose tissue. Positive scans were seen in 76 of 1013 women (7.5%) and 30 of 959 men (3.1%), corresponding to a female:male ratio greater than 2:1 (P0.001). Women also had a greater mass of brown adipose tissue and higher (18)F-FDG uptake activity. The probability of the detection of brown adipose tissue was inversely correlated with years of age (P0.001), outdoor temperature at the time of the scan (P=0.02), beta-blocker use (P0.001), and among older patients, body-mass index (P=0.007). CONCLUSIONS: Defined regions of functionally active brown adipose tissue are present in adult humans, are more frequent in women than in men, and may be quantified noninvasively with the use of (18)F-FDG PET-CT. Most important, the amount of brown adipose tissue is inversely correlated with body-mass index, especially in older people, suggesting a potential role of brown adipose tissue in adult human metabolism.
Escribano, Oscar, Carlos Guillén, Carmen Nevado, Almudena Gómez-Hernández, Ronald Kahn, and Manuel Benito. (2009) 2009. “Beta-Cell hyperplasia induced by hepatic insulin resistance: role of a liver-pancreas endocrine axis through insulin receptor A isoform”. Diabetes 58 (4): 820-8.
OBJECTIVE: Type 2 diabetes results from a combination of insulin resistance and impaired insulin secretion. To directly address the effects of hepatic insulin resistance in adult animals, we developed an inducible liver-specific insulin receptor knockout mouse (iLIRKO). RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Using this approach, we were able to induce variable insulin receptor (IR) deficiency in a tissue-specific manner (liver mosaicism). RESULTS: iLIRKO mice presented progressive hepatic and extrahepatic insulin resistance without liver dysfunction. Initially, iLIRKO mice displayed hyperinsulinemia and increased beta-cell mass, the extent of which was proportional to the deletion of hepatic IR. Our studies of iLIRKO suggest a cause-and-effect relationship between progressive insulin resistance and the fold increase of plasma insulin levels and beta-cell mass. Ultimately, the beta-cells failed to secrete sufficient insulin, leading to uncontrolled diabetes. We observed that hepatic IGF-1 expression was enhanced in iLIRKO mice, resulting in an increase of circulating IGF-1. Concurrently, the IR-A isoform was upregulated in hyperplastic beta-cells of iLIRKO mice and IGF-1-induced proliferation was higher than in the controls. In mouse beta-cell lines, IR-A, but not IR-B, conferred a proliferative capacity in response to insulin or IGF-1, providing a potential explanation for the beta-cell hyperplasia induced by liver insulin resistance in iLIRKO mice. CONCLUSIONS: Our studies of iLIRKO mice suggest a liver-pancreas endocrine axis in which IGF-1 functions as a liver-derived growth factor to promote compensatory pancreatic islet hyperplasia through IR-A.
Macotela, Yazmin, Jeremie Boucher, Thien Tran, and Ronald Kahn. (2009) 2009. “Sex and depot differences in adipocyte insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism”. Diabetes 58 (4): 803-12.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate how insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism differ in adipocytes between different fat depots of male and female mice and how sex steroids contribute to these differences. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Adipocytes from intra-abdominal/perigonadal (PG) and subcutaneous (SC) adipose tissue from normal, castrated, or steroid-implanted animals were isolated and analyzed for differences in insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism. RESULTS: Adipocytes from both PG and SC depots of females have increased lipogenic rates compared with those from males. In females, intra-abdominal PG adipocytes are more insulin-sensitive than SC adipocytes and more insulin-sensitive than male adipocytes from either depot. When stimulated by low physiological concentrations of insulin, female PG adipocytes show a robust increase in Akt and extracellular signal-related kinase (ERK) phosphorylation and lipogenesis, whereas male adipocytes show activation only at higher insulin concentrations. Adipocytes from females have higher mRNA/protein levels of several genes involved in glucose and lipid metabolism. After castration, adipocytes of male mice showed increased insulin sensitivity and increased lipogenic rates, whereas adipocytes of females demonstrate decreased lipid production. Increasing estrogen above physiological levels, however, also reduced lipid synthesis in females, whereas increasing dihydrotestosterone in males had no effect. CONCLUSIONS: There are major sex differences in insulin sensitivity in adipose tissue, particularly in the intra-abdominal depot, that are regulated by physiological levels of sex steroids. The increased sensitivity to insulin and lipogenesis observed in adipocytes from females may account for their lower level of insulin resistance and diabetes risk despite similar or higher fat content than in males.
Princen, Frederic, Emilie Bard, Farah Sheikh, Sharon Zhang, Jing Wang, Wagner Zago, Dongmei Wu, et al. (2009) 2009. “Deletion of Shp2 tyrosine phosphatase in muscle leads to dilated cardiomyopathy, insulin resistance, and premature death”. Mol Cell Biol 29 (2): 378-88.
The intracellular signaling mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of cardiac diseases are not fully understood. We report here that selective deletion of Shp2, an SH2-containing cytoplasmic tyrosine phosphatase, in striated muscle results in severe dilated cardiomyopathy in mice, leading to heart failure and premature mortality. Development of cardiomyopathy in this mouse model is coupled with insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, and impaired glucose uptake in striated muscle cells. Shp2 deficiency leads to upregulation of leukemia inhibitory factor-stimulated phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt, Erk5, and Stat3 pathways in cardiomyocytes. Insulin resistance and impaired glucose uptake in Shp2-deficient mice are at least in part due to impaired protein kinase C-zeta/lambda and AMP-kinase activities in striated muscle. Thus, we have generated a mouse line modeling human patients suffering from cardiomyopathy and insulin resistance. This study reinforces a concept that a compound disease with multiple cardiovascular and metabolic disturbances can be caused by a defect in a single molecule such as Shp2, which modulates multiple signaling pathways initiated by cytokines and hormones.