

Cypess, Aaron, and Ronald Kahn. (2010) 2010. “Brown fat as a therapy for obesity and diabetes”. Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes 17 (2): 143-9.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Human fat consists of white and brown adipose tissue (WAT and BAT). Though most fat is energy-storing WAT, the thermogenic capacity of even small amounts of BAT makes it an attractive therapeutic target for inducing weight loss through energy expenditure. This review evaluates the recent discoveries regarding the identification of functional BAT in adult humans and its potential as a therapy for obesity and diabetes. RECENT FINDINGS: Over the past year, several independent research teams used a combination of positron-emission tomography and computed tomography (PET/CT) imaging, immunohistochemistry, and gene and protein expression assays to prove conclusively that adult humans have functional BAT. This has occurred against a backdrop of basic studies defining the origins of BAT, new components of its transcriptional regulation, and the role of hormones in stimulation of BAT growth and differentiation. SUMMARY: Adult humans have functional BAT, a new target for antiobesity and antidiabetes therapies focusing on increasing energy expenditure. Future studies will refine the methodologies used to measure BAT mass and activity, expand our knowledge of critical-control points in BAT regulation, and focus on testing pharmacological agents that increase BAT thermogenesis and help achieve long-lasting weight loss and an improved metabolic profile.
Bouche, Clara, Ximena Lopez, Amy Fleischman, Aaron Cypess, Sheila O’Shea, Darko Stefanovski, Richard Bergman, et al. 2010. “Insulin enhances glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in healthy humans”. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 107 (10): 4770-5.
Islet beta-cells express both insulin receptors and insulin-signaling proteins. Recent evidence from rodents in vivo and from islets isolated from rodents or humans suggests that the insulin signaling pathway is physiologically important for glucose sensing. We evaluated whether insulin regulates beta-cell function in healthy humans in vivo. Glucose-induced insulin secretion was assessed in healthy humans following 4-h saline (low insulin/sham clamp) or isoglycemic-hyperinsulinemic (high insulin) clamps using B28-Asp insulin that could be immunologically distinguished from endogenous insulin. Insulin and C-peptide clearance were evaluated to understand the impact of hyperinsulinemia on estimates of beta-cell function. Preexposure to exogenous insulin increased the endogenous insulin secretory response to glucose by approximately 40%. C-peptide response also increased, although not to the level predicted by insulin. Insulin clearance was not saturated at hyperinsulinemia, but metabolic clearance of C-peptide, assessed by infusion of stable isotope-labeled C-peptide, increased modestly during hyperinsulinemic clamp. These studies demonstrate that insulin potentiates glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in vivo in healthy humans. In addition, hyperinsulinemia increases C-peptide clearance, which may lead to modest underestimation of beta-cell secretory response when using these methods during prolonged dynamic testing.
Tran, Thien, and Ronald Kahn. (2010) 2010. “Transplantation of adipose tissue and stem cells: role in metabolism and disease”. Nat Rev Endocrinol 6 (4): 195-213.
Humans and other mammals have three main adipose tissue depots: visceral white adipose tissue, subcutaneous white adipose tissue and brown adipose tissue, each of which possesses unique cell-autonomous properties. In contrast to visceral adipose tissue, which can induce detrimental metabolic effects, subcutaneous white adipose tissue and brown adipose tissue have the potential to benefit metabolism by improving glucose homeostasis and increasing energy consumption. In addition, adipose tissue contains adipose-derived stem cells, which possess the ability to differentiate into multiple lineages, a property that might be of value for the repair or replacement of various damaged cell types. Adipose tissue transplantation has primarily been used as a tool to study physiology and for human reconstructive surgery. Transplantation of adipose tissue is, however, now being explored as a possible tool to promote the beneficial metabolic effects of subcutaneous white adipose tissue and brown adipose tissue, as well as adipose-derived stem cells. Ultimately, the clinical applicability of adipose tissue transplantation for the treatment of obesity and metabolic disorders will reside in the achievable level of safety, reliability and efficacy compared with other treatments.
Rask-Madsen, Christian, Qian Li, Bryn Freund, Danielle Feather, Roman Abramov, I-Hsien Wu, Kai Chen, et al. 2010. “Loss of insulin signaling in vascular endothelial cells accelerates atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E null mice”. Cell Metab 11 (5): 379-89.
To determine whether insulin action on endothelial cells promotes or protects against atherosclerosis, we generated apolipoprotein E null mice in which the insulin receptor gene was intact or conditionally deleted in vascular endothelial cells. Insulin sensitivity, glucose tolerance, plasma lipids, and blood pressure were not different between the two groups, but atherosclerotic lesion size was more than 2-fold higher in mice lacking endothelial insulin signaling. Endothelium-dependent vasodilation was impaired and endothelial cell VCAM-1 expression was increased in these animals. Adhesion of mononuclear cells to endothelium in vivo was increased 4-fold compared with controls but reduced to below control values by a VCAM-1-blocking antibody. These results provide definitive evidence that loss of insulin signaling in endothelium, in the absence of competing systemic risk factors, accelerates atherosclerosis. Therefore, improving insulin sensitivity in the endothelium of patients with insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes may prevent cardiovascular complications.
Shimizu, Ippei, Tohru Minamino, Haruhiro Toko, Sho Okada, Hiroyuki Ikeda, Noritaka Yasuda, Kaoru Tateno, et al. (2010) 2010. “Excessive cardiac insulin signaling exacerbates systolic dysfunction induced by pressure overload in rodents”. J Clin Invest 120 (5): 1506-14.
Although many animal studies indicate insulin has cardioprotective effects, clinical studies suggest a link between insulin resistance (hyperinsulinemia) and heart failure (HF). Here we have demonstrated that excessive cardiac insulin signaling exacerbates systolic dysfunction induced by pressure overload in rodents. Chronic pressure overload induced hepatic insulin resistance and plasma insulin level elevation. In contrast, cardiac insulin signaling was upregulated by chronic pressure overload because of mechanical stretch-induced activation of cardiomyocyte insulin receptors and upregulation of insulin receptor and Irs1 expression. Chronic pressure overload increased the mismatch between cardiomyocyte size and vascularity, thereby inducing myocardial hypoxia and cardiomyocyte death. Inhibition of hyperinsulinemia substantially improved pressure overload-induced cardiac dysfunction, improving myocardial hypoxia and decreasing cardiomyocyte death. Likewise, the cardiomyocyte-specific reduction of insulin receptor expression prevented cardiac ischemia and hypertrophy and attenuated systolic dysfunction due to pressure overload. Conversely, treatment of type 1 diabetic mice with insulin improved hyperglycemia during pressure overload, but increased myocardial ischemia and cardiomyocyte death, thereby inducing HF. Promoting angiogenesis restored the cardiac dysfunction induced by insulin treatment. We therefore suggest that the use of insulin to control hyperglycemia could be harmful in the setting of pressure overload and that modulation of insulin signaling is crucial for the treatment of HF.
O’Neill, Elaine, John Wilding, Ronald Kahn, Holly Van Remmen, Anne McArdle, Malcolm Jackson, and Graeme Close. (2010) 2010. “Absence of insulin signalling in skeletal muscle is associated with reduced muscle mass and function: evidence for decreased protein synthesis and not increased degradation”. Age (Dordr) 32 (2): 209-22.
Loss of skeletal muscle mass and function is observed in many insulin-resistant disease states such as diabetes, cancer cachexia, renal failure and ageing although the mechanisms for this remain unclear. We hypothesised that impaired insulin signalling results in reduced muscle mass and function and that this decrease in muscle mass and function is due to both increased production of atrogenes and aberrant reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation. Maximum tetanic force of the extensor digitorum longus of muscle insulin receptor knockout (MIRKO) and lox/lox control mice was measured in situ. Muscles were removed for the measurement of mass, histological examination and ROS production. Activation of insulin signalling pathways, markers of muscle atrophy and indices of protein synthesis were determined in a separate group of MIRKO and lox/lox mice 15 min following treatment with insulin. Muscles from MIRKO mice had 36% lower maximum tetanic force generation compared with muscles of lox/lox mice. Muscle fibres of MIRKO mice were significantly smaller than those of lox/lox mice with no apparent structural abnormalities. Muscles from MIRKO mice demonstrated absent phosphorylation of AKT in response to exogenous insulin along with a failure to phosphorylate ribosomal S6 compared with lox/lox mice. Atrogin-1 and MuRF1 relative mRNA expression in muscles from MIRKO mice were decreased compared with muscles from lox/lox mice following insulin treatment. There were no differences in markers of reactive oxygen species damage between muscles from MIRKO mice and lox/lox mice. These data support the hypothesis that the absence of insulin signalling contributes to reduced muscle mass and function though decreased protein synthesis rather than proteasomal atrophic pathways.
Cheng, Kim, Kenneth Ho, Rebecca Stokes, Christopher Scott, Sue Mei Lau, Wayne Hawthorne, Philip O’Connell, et al. (2010) 2010. “Hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha regulates beta cell function in mouse and human islets”. J Clin Invest 120 (6): 2171-83.
Hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha (HIF-1alpha) is a transcription factor that regulates cellular stress responses. While the levels of HIF-1alpha protein are tightly regulated, recent studies suggest that it can be active under normoxic conditions. We hypothesized that HIF-1alpha is required for normal beta cell function and reserve and that dysregulation may contribute to the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes (T2D). Here we show that HIF-1alpha protein is present at low levels in mouse and human normoxic beta cells and islets. Decreased levels of HIF-1alpha impaired glucose-stimulated ATP generation and beta cell function. C57BL/6 mice with beta cell-specific Hif1a disruption (referred to herein as beta-Hif1a-null mice) exhibited glucose intolerance, beta cell dysfunction, and developed severe glucose intolerance on a high-fat diet. Increasing HIF-1alpha levels by inhibiting its degradation through iron chelation markedly improved insulin secretion and glucose tolerance in control mice fed a high-fat diet but not in beta-Hif1a-null mice. Increasing HIF-1alpha levels markedly increased expression of ARNT and other genes in human T2D islets and improved their function. Further analysis indicated that HIF-1alpha was bound to the Arnt promoter in a mouse beta cell line, suggesting direct regulation. Taken together, these findings suggest an important role for HIF-1alpha in beta cell reserve and regulation of ARNT expression and demonstrate that HIF-1alpha is a potential therapeutic target for the beta cell dysfunction of T2D.
Mauer, Jan, Bhagirath Chaurasia, Leona Plum, Thomas Quast, Brigitte Hampel, Matthias Bluher, Waldemar Kolanus, Ronald Kahn, and Jens Brüning. 2010. “Myeloid cell-restricted insulin receptor deficiency protects against obesity-induced inflammation and systemic insulin resistance”. PLoS Genet 6 (5): e1000938.
A major component of obesity-related insulin resistance is the establishment of a chronic inflammatory state with invasion of white adipose tissue by mononuclear cells. This results in the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which in turn leads to insulin resistance in target tissues such as skeletal muscle and liver. To determine the role of insulin action in macrophages and monocytes in obesity-associated insulin resistance, we conditionally inactivated the insulin receptor (IR) gene in myeloid lineage cells in mice (IR(Deltamyel)-mice). While these animals exhibit unaltered glucose metabolism on a normal diet, they are protected from the development of obesity-associated insulin resistance upon high fat feeding. Euglycemic, hyperinsulinemic clamp studies demonstrate that this results from decreased basal hepatic glucose production and from increased insulin-stimulated glucose disposal in skeletal muscle. Furthermore, IR(Deltamyel)-mice exhibit decreased concentrations of circulating tumor necrosis factor (TNF) alpha and thus reduced c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) activity in skeletal muscle upon high fat feeding, reflecting a dramatic reduction of the chronic and systemic low-grade inflammatory state associated with obesity. This is paralleled by a reduced accumulation of macrophages in white adipose tissue due to a pronounced impairment of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) 9 expression and activity in these cells. These data indicate that insulin action in myeloid cells plays an unexpected, critical role in the regulation of macrophage invasion into white adipose tissue and in the development of obesity-associated insulin resistance.
Taniguchi, Cullen, Jonathon Winnay, Tatsuya Kondo, Roderick Bronson, Alexander Guimaraes, José Alemán, Ji Luo, et al. 2010. “The phosphoinositide 3-kinase regulatory subunit p85alpha can exert tumor suppressor properties through negative regulation of growth factor signaling”. Cancer Res 70 (13): 5305-15.
Phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) plays a critical role in tumorigenesis, and the PI3K p85 regulatory subunit exerts both positive and negative effects on signaling. Expression of Pik3r1, the gene encoding p85, is decreased in human prostate, lung, ovarian, bladder, and liver cancers, consistent with the possibility that p85 has tumor suppressor properties. We tested this hypothesis by studying mice with a liver-specific deletion of the Pik3r1 gene. These mice exhibited enhanced insulin and growth factor signaling and progressive changes in hepatic pathology, leading to the development of aggressive hepatocellular carcinomas with pulmonary metastases. Liver tumors that arose exhibited markedly elevated levels of phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5)-trisphosphate, along with Akt activation and decreased PTEN expression, at both the mRNA and protein levels. Together, these results substantiate the concept that the p85 subunit of PI3K has a tumor-suppressive role in the liver and possibly other tissues.