

Page, Kathleen, Stephanie Dejardin, Ronald Kahn, Rohit Kulkarni, Kevan Herold, and Silvio Inzucchi. (2007) 2007. “A patient with type B insulin resistance syndrome, responsive to immune therapy”. Nat Clin Pract Endocrinol Metab 3 (12): 835-40.
BACKGROUND: A 55-year-old woman with vitiligo, hypothyroidism, interstitial lung disease and diabetes mellitus developed severe insulin resistance during a hospital admission for respiratory failure. Before hospitalization, her HbA(1c) level was 8.1% on approximately 100 U/day of insulin. Her interstitial lung disease had been treated with glucocorticoids, but after their withdrawal her insulin requirements had increased dramatically. She remained hyperglycemic (blood glucose levels 16.7-27.8 mmol/l), despite intravenous insulin at doses as high as 30,000 U/day. INVESTIGATIONS: The patient's serum creatinine level was 301 micromol/l and her liver function tests were normal. A mildly elevated white cell count was present. The patient was diagnosed with pneumonia due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa. When the patient's plasma glucose level was 22.5 mmol/l, her plasma C-peptide level was 0.9 nmol/l and her serum insulin level was 294 pmol/l. At that time the patient was on 2,600 U/day of intravenous insulin aspart. Anti-insulin and anti-islet-cell antibodies were not detected, but anti-insulin-receptor antibodies were found. DIAGNOSIS: Type B insulin resistance syndrome. MANAGEMENT: The patient's insulin resistance responded to glucocorticoids and plasmapheresis. After the patient was treated with prednisone (60 mg/day), her insulin requirements decreased within 1 week to pre-admission doses. When steroids were subsequently discontinued, glycemic control deteriorated once again. Plasmapheresis was initiated, inducing a striking acute decline in insulin needs. On a maintenance dose of 10 mg prednisone/day, glucose control improved (HbA(1c) 5.8%) with an average of 60 U of isophane insulin twice daily.
Katic, Masa, Adam Kennedy, Igor Leykin, Andrew Norris, Aileen McGettrick, Stephane Gesta, Steven Russell, Matthias Bluher, Eleftheria Maratos-Flier, and Ronald Kahn. (2007) 2007. “Mitochondrial gene expression and increased oxidative metabolism: role in increased lifespan of fat-specific insulin receptor knock-out mice”. Aging Cell 6 (6): 827-39.
Caloric restriction, leanness and decreased activity of insulin/insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) receptor signaling are associated with increased longevity in a wide range of organisms from Caenorhabditis elegans to humans. Fat-specific insulin receptor knock-out (FIRKO) mice represent an interesting dichotomy, with leanness and increased lifespan, despite normal or increased food intake. To determine the mechanisms by which a lack of insulin signaling in adipose tissue might exert this effect, we performed physiological and gene expression studies in FIRKO and control mice as they aged. At the whole body level, FIRKO mice demonstrated an increase in basal metabolic rate and respiratory exchange ratio. Analysis of gene expression in white adipose tissue (WAT) of FIRKO mice from 6 to 36 months of age revealed persistently high expression of the nuclear-encoded mitochondrial genes involved in glycolysis, tricarboxylic acid cycle, beta-oxidation and oxidative phosphorylation as compared to expression of the same genes in WAT from controls that showed a tendency to decline in expression with age. These changes in gene expression were correlated with increased cytochrome c and cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV at the protein level, increased citrate synthase activity, increased expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1alpha (PGC-1alpha) and PGC-1beta, and an increase in mitochondrial DNA in WAT of FIRKO mice. Together, these data suggest that maintenance of mitochondrial activity and metabolic rates in adipose tissue may be important contributors to the increased lifespan of the FIRKO mouse.
Pospisilik, Andrew, Claude Knauf, Nicholas Joza, Paule Benit, Michael Orthofer, Patrice Cani, Ingo Ebersberger, et al. 2007. “Targeted deletion of AIF decreases mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and protects from obesity and diabetes”. Cell 131 (3): 476-91.
Type-2 diabetes results from the development of insulin resistance and a concomitant impairment of insulin secretion. Recent studies place altered mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OxPhos) as an underlying genetic element of insulin resistance. However, the causative or compensatory nature of these OxPhos changes has yet to be proven. Here, we show that muscle- and liver-specific AIF ablation in mice initiates a pattern of OxPhos deficiency closely mimicking that of human insulin resistance, and contrary to current expectations, results in increased glucose tolerance, reduced fat mass, and increased insulin sensitivity. These results are maintained upon high-fat feeding and in both genetic mosaic and ubiquitous OxPhos-deficient mutants. Importantly, the effects of AIF on glucose metabolism are acutely inducible and reversible. These findings establish that tissue-specific as well as global OxPhos defects in mice can counteract the development of insulin resistance, diabetes, and obesity.
Laustsen, Palle, Steven Russell, Lei Cui, Amelia Entingh-Pearsall, Martin Holzenberger, Ronglih Liao, and Ronald Kahn. (2007) 2007. “Essential role of insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor signaling in cardiac development and function”. Mol Cell Biol 27 (5): 1649-64.
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in people with type 2 diabetes and is linked to insulin resistance even in the absence of diabetes. Here we show that mice with combined deficiency of the insulin receptor and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) receptor in cardiac and skeletal muscle develop early-onset dilated cardiomyopathy and die from heart failure within the first month of life despite having a normal glucose homeostasis. Mice lacking the insulin receptor show impaired cardiac performance at 6 months, and mice lacking the insulin receptor plus one Igf1r allele have slightly increased mortality. By contrast, mice lacking the IGF-1 receptor or the IGF-1 receptor plus one Ir allele appear normal. Morphological characterization and oligonucleotide array analysis of gene expression demonstrate that prior to development of these physiological defects, mice with combined deficiency of both insulin and IGF-1 receptors have a coordinated down-regulation of genes encoding components of the electron transport chain and mitochondrial fatty acid beta-oxidation pathways and altered expression of contractile proteins. Thus, while neither the insulin receptor nor IGF-1 receptor in muscle is critical for glucose homeostasis during the first month of life, signaling from these receptors, particularly the insulin receptor, is required for normal cardiac metabolism and function.
Taniguchi, Cullen, José Alemán, Kohjiro Ueki, Ji Luo, Tomoichiro Asano, Hideaki Kaneto, Gregory Stephanopoulos, Lewis Cantley, and Ronald Kahn. (2007) 2007. “The p85alpha regulatory subunit of phosphoinositide 3-kinase potentiates c-Jun N-terminal kinase-mediated insulin resistance”. Mol Cell Biol 27 (8): 2830-40.
Insulin resistance is a defining feature of type 2 diabetes and the metabolic syndrome. While the molecular mechanisms of insulin resistance are multiple, recent evidence suggests that attenuation of insulin signaling by c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) may be a central part of the pathobiology of insulin resistance. Here we demonstrate that the p85alpha regulatory subunit of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K), a key mediator of insulin's metabolic actions, is also required for the activation of JNK in states of insulin resistance, including high-fat diet-induced obesity and JNK1 overexpression. The requirement of the p85alpha regulatory subunit for JNK occurs independently of its role as a component of the PI3K heterodimer and occurs only in response to specific stimuli, namely, insulin and tunicamycin, a chemical that induces endoplasmic reticulum stress. We further show that insulin and p85 activate JNK by via cdc42 and MKK4. The activation of this cdc42/JNK pathway requires both an intact N terminus and functional SH2 domains within the C terminus of the p85alpha regulatory subunit. Thus, p85alpha plays a dual role in regulating insulin sensitivity and may mediate cross talk between the PI3K and stress kinase pathways.
Mouche, Sarah, Sanae Ben Mkaddem, Wei Wang, Masa Katic, Yu-Hua Tseng, Stephanie Carnesecchi, Klaus Steger, et al. (2007) 2007. “Reduced expression of the NADPH oxidase NOX4 is a hallmark of adipocyte differentiation”. Biochim Biophys Acta 1773 (7): 1015-27.
Adipocyte differentiation is a complex process regulated among other factors by insulin and the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). NOX4 is a ROS generating NADPH oxidase enzyme mediating insulin's action in 3T3L1 adipocytes. In the present paper we show that NOX4 is expressed at high levels both in white and brown preadipocytes and that differentiation into adipocytes results in a decrease in their NOX4 mRNA content. These in vitro results were confirmed in vivo by demonstrating that in intact adipose tissue the majority of NOX4 expressing cells are localized within the preadipocyte containing stromal/vascular fraction, rather than in the portion consisting of mature adipocytes. In line with these observations, quantification of NOX4 mRNA in fat derived from different rodent models of insulin resistance indicated that alteration in NOX4 expression reflects changes in the ratio of adipocyte/interstitial fractions. In conclusion, we reveal that decreased NOX4 mRNA content is a hallmark of adipocyte differentiation and that NOX4 expression measured in whole adipose tissue is not an unequivocal indicator of intact or impaired insulin action.
Farese, Robert, Mini Sajan, Hong Yang, Pengfei Li, Steven Mastorides, William Gower, Sonali Nimal, et al. (2007) 2007. “Muscle-specific knockout of PKC-lambda impairs glucose transport and induces metabolic and diabetic syndromes”. J Clin Invest 117 (8): 2289-301.
Obesity, the metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) are major global health problems. Insulin resistance is frequently present in these disorders, but the causes and effects of such resistance are unknown. Here, we generated mice with muscle-specific knockout of the major murine atypical PKC (aPKC), PKC-lambda, a postulated mediator for insulin-stimulated glucose transport. Glucose transport and translocation of glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) to the plasma membrane were diminished in muscles of both homozygous and heterozygous PKC-lambda knockout mice and were accompanied by systemic insulin resistance; impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes; islet beta cell hyperplasia; abdominal adiposity; hepatosteatosis; elevated serum triglycerides, FFAs, and LDL-cholesterol; and diminished HDL-cholesterol. In contrast to the defective activation of muscle aPKC, insulin signaling and actions were intact in muscle, liver, and adipocytes. These findings demonstrate the importance of aPKC in insulin-stimulated glucose transport in muscles of intact mice and show that insulin resistance and resultant hyperinsulinemia owing to a specific defect in muscle aPKC is sufficient to induce abdominal obesity and other lipid abnormalities of the metabolic syndrome and T2DM. These findings are particularly relevant because humans who have obesity, impaired glucose tolerance, and T2DM reportedly have defective activation and/or diminished levels of muscle aPKC.
Cohen, Shmuel, Efi Kokkotou, Sudha Biddinger, Tatsuya Kondo, Rolf Gebhardt, Juergen Kratzsch, Christos Mantzoros, and Ronald Kahn. 2007. “High circulating leptin receptors with normal leptin sensitivity in liver-specific insulin receptor knock-out (LIRKO) mice”. J Biol Chem 282 (32): 23672-8.
Liver-specific insulin receptor knock-out (LIRKO) mice display hyperinsulinemia, abnormal glucose metabolism, and progressive liver dysfunction. In addition, circulating leptin levels appear to be increased more than 10-fold. However, food intake, body weight, and adipose mass are not significantly altered in LIRKO mice compared with wild-type littermates. Using a ligand immunofunctional assay, we found that the apparent increase in circulating leptin in LIRKO mice is because of an 80-fold increased serum level of soluble leptin receptor. Gene expression analysis by microarray and real time PCR reveals the liver as the source of soluble leptin receptor in LIRKO mice, with an increase in expression of the short (Ob-Ra), long (Ob-Rb), and soluble (Ob-Re) forms of the leptin receptor. Direct control of leptin receptor expression by insulin could also be demonstrated in isolated hepatocytes from normal mice. Despite the markedly increased levels of leptin receptor in their circulation, LIRKO mice exhibit normal or even enhanced leptin sensitivity, as assessed by their physiological and molecular responses to exogenous leptin administration and their lower base-line hypothalamic levels of SOCS3 mRNA. Thus, insulin signaling in the liver plays an important role in control of leptin receptor expression and shedding. In the LIRKO mouse, this is lost, leading to markedly increased leptin receptors into the circulation. These high levels of circulating leptin receptor bind leptin and likely alter its clearance, but do not inhibit leptin action and may actually potentiate leptin action. In this manner, insulin signaling in liver plays an important role in leptin homeostasis and fine modulation of leptin action.
Bezy, Olivier, Cecile Vernochet, Stephane Gesta, Stephen Farmer, and Ronald Kahn. (2007) 2007. “TRB3 blocks adipocyte differentiation through the inhibition of C/EBPbeta transcriptional activity”. Mol Cell Biol 27 (19): 6818-31.
TRB3 has been implicated in the regulation of several biological processes in mammalian cells through its ability to influence Akt and other signaling pathways. In this study, we investigated the role of TRB3 in regulating adipogenesis and the activity of adipogenic transcription factors. We find that TRB3 is expressed in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes, and this expression is transiently suppressed during the initial days of differentiation concomitant with induction of C/EBPbeta. This event appears to be a prerequisite for adipogenesis. Overexpression of TRB3 blocks differentiation of 3T3-L1 cells at a step downstream of C/EBPbeta. Ectopic expression of TRB3 in mouse fibroblasts also inhibits the C/EBPbeta-dependent induction of PPARgamma2 and blocks their differentiation into adipocytes. This inhibition of preadipocyte differentiation by TRB3 appears to be the result of two complementary effects. First, TRB3 inhibits extracellular signal-regulated kinase activity, which prevents the phosphorylation of regulatory sites on C/EBPbeta. Second, TRB3 directly interacts with the DR1 domain of C/EBPbeta in the nucleus, further inhibiting both its ability to bind its response element and its ability to transactivate the C/EBPalpha and a-FABP promoters. Thus, TRB3 is an important negative regulator of adipogenesis that acts at an early step in the differentiation cascade to block the C/EBPbeta proadipogenic function.
Könner, Christine, Ruth Janoschek, Leona Plum, Sabine Jordan, Eva Rother, Xiaosong Ma, Chun Xu, et al. (2007) 2007. “Insulin action in AgRP-expressing neurons is required for suppression of hepatic glucose production”. Cell Metab 5 (6): 438-49.
Insulin action in the central nervous system regulates energy homeostasis and glucose metabolism. To define the insulin-responsive neurons that mediate these effects, we generated mice with selective inactivation of the insulin receptor (IR) in either pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC)- or agouti-related peptide (AgRP)-expressing neurons of the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus. While neither POMC- nor AgRP-restricted IR knockout mice exhibited altered energy homeostasis, insulin failed to normally suppress hepatic glucose production during euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamps in AgRP-IR knockout (IR(DeltaAgRP)) mice. These mice also exhibited reduced insulin-stimulated hepatic interleukin-6 expression and increased hepatic expression of glucose-6-phosphatase. These results directly demonstrate that insulin action in POMC and AgRP cells is not required for steady-state regulation of food intake and body weight. However, insulin action specifically in AgRP-expressing neurons does play a critical role in controlling hepatic glucose production and may provide a target for the treatment of insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes.