

Pensa, Sara, Bethan Lloyd-Lewis, Timothy Sargeant, Henrike Resemann, Ronald Kahn, and Christine Watson. (2014) 2014. “Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 and the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase regulatory subunits p55α and p50α regulate autophagy in vivo”. FEBS J 281 (20): 4557-67.
Mammary gland involution involves a process that includes one of the most dramatic examples of cell death in an adult mammalian organism. We have previously shown that signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (Stat3) regulates a lysosomal pathway of cell death in the first 48 h of involution and induces lysosome leakiness in mammary epithelial cells. Interestingly, Stat3 is associated also with the striking induction of autophagy that occurs concomitantly with cell death, presumably as a transient survival mechanism. The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase regulatory subunits p55α and p50α are dramatically and specifically upregulated at the transcriptional level by Stat3 at the onset of involution. We show here that ablation of either Stat3 or p55α/p50α in vivo affects autophagy during involution. We used two different cell culture models (normal mammary epithelial cells and mouse embryonic fibroblasts) to further investigate the role of p55α/p50α in autophagy regulation. Our results demonstrate a direct role for p55α/p50α as inhibitors of autophagy mediated by p85α. Thus, Stat3 and its downstream targets p55α/p50α are key regulators of the balance between autophagy and cell death in vivo.
Samocha-Bonet, Dixit, Kahn, Leibel, Lin, Nieuwdorp, Pietiläinen, et al. (2014) 2014. “Metabolically healthy and unhealthy obese--the 2013 Stock Conference report”. Obes Rev 15 (9): 697-708.
Obesity is closely associated with cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes, but some obese individuals, despite having excessive body fat, exhibit metabolic health that is comparable with that of lean individuals. The 'healthy obese' phenotype was described in the 1980s, but major advancements in its characterization were only made in the past five years. During this time, several new mechanisms that may be involved in health preservation in obesity were proposed through the use of transgenic animal models, use of sophisticated imaging techniques and in vivo measurements of insulin sensitivity. However, the main obstacle in advancing our understanding of the metabolically healthy obese phenotype and its related long-term health risks is the lack of a standardized definition. Here, we summarize the proceedings of the 13th Stock Conference of the International Association of the Study of Obesity. We describe the current research and highlight the unanswered questions and gaps in the field. Better understanding of metabolic health in obesity will assist in therapeutic decision-making and help identify therapeutic targets to improve metabolic health in obesity.
Vernochet, Cecile, Federico Damilano, Arnaud Mourier, Olivier Bezy, Marcelo Mori, Graham Smyth, Anthony Rosenzweig, Nils-Göran Larsson, and Ronald Kahn. (2014) 2014. “Adipose tissue mitochondrial dysfunction triggers a lipodystrophic syndrome with insulin resistance, hepatosteatosis, and cardiovascular complications”. FASEB J 28 (10): 4408-19.
Mitochondrial dysfunction in adipose tissue occurs in obesity, type 2 diabetes, and some forms of lipodystrophy, but whether this dysfunction contributes to or is the result of these disorders is unknown. To investigate the physiological consequences of severe mitochondrial impairment in adipose tissue, we generated mice deficient in mitochondrial transcription factor A (TFAM) in adipocytes by using mice carrying adiponectin-Cre and TFAM floxed alleles. These adiponectin TFAM-knockout (adipo-TFAM-KO) mice had a 75-81% reduction in TFAM in the subcutaneous and intra-abdominal white adipose tissue (WAT) and interscapular brown adipose tissue (BAT), causing decreased expression and enzymatic activity of proteins in complexes I, III, and IV of the electron transport chain (ETC). This mitochondrial dysfunction led to adipocyte death and inflammation in WAT and a whitening of BAT. As a result, adipo-TFAM-KO mice were resistant to weight gain, but exhibited insulin resistance on both normal chow and high-fat diets. These lipodystrophic mice also developed hypertension, cardiac hypertrophy, and cardiac dysfunction. Thus, isolated mitochondrial dysfunction in adipose tissue can lead a syndrome of lipodystrophy with metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular complications.
Thrailkill, Kathryn, Clay Bunn, Charles Lumpkin, Elizabeth Wahl, Gael Cockrell, Lindsey Morris, Ronald Kahn, John Fowlkes, and Jeffry Nyman. (2014) 2014. “Loss of insulin receptor in osteoprogenitor cells impairs structural strength of bone”. J Diabetes Res 2014: 703589.
Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D) is associated with decreased bone mineral density, a deficit in bone structure, and subsequently an increased risk of fragility fracture. These clinical observations, paralleled by animal models of T1D, suggest that the insulinopenia of T1D has a deleterious effect on bone. To further examine the action of insulin signaling on bone development, we generated mice with an osteoprogenitor-selective (osterix-Cre) ablation of the insulin receptor (IR), designated OIRKO. OIRKO mice exhibited an 80% decrease in IR in osteoblasts. Prenatal elimination of IR did not affect fetal survival or gross morphology. However, loss of IR in mouse osteoblasts resulted in a postnatal growth-constricted phenotype. By 10-12 weeks of age, femurs of OIRKO mice were more slender, with a thinner diaphyseal cortex and, consequently, a decrease in whole bone strength when subjected to bending. In male mice alone, decreased metaphyseal trabecular bone, with thinner and more rodlike trabeculae, was also observed. OIRKO mice did not, however, exhibit abnormal glucose tolerance. The skeletal phenotype of the OIRKO mouse appeared more severe than that of previously reported bone-specific IR knockdown models, and confirms that insulin receptor expression in osteoblasts is critically important for proper bone development and maintenance of structural integrity.
Kleinridders, Andre, Heather Ferris, Weikang Cai, and Ronald Kahn. (2014) 2014. “Insulin action in brain regulates systemic metabolism and brain function”. Diabetes 63 (7): 2232-43.
Insulin receptors, as well as IGF-1 receptors and their postreceptor signaling partners, are distributed throughout the brain. Insulin acts on these receptors to modulate peripheral metabolism, including regulation of appetite, reproductive function, body temperature, white fat mass, hepatic glucose output, and response to hypoglycemia. Insulin signaling also modulates neurotransmitter channel activity, brain cholesterol synthesis, and mitochondrial function. Disruption of insulin action in the brain leads to impairment of neuronal function and synaptogenesis. In addition, insulin signaling modulates phosphorylation of tau protein, an early component in the development of Alzheimer disease. Thus, alterations in insulin action in the brain can contribute to metabolic syndrome, and the development of mood disorders and neurodegenerative diseases.
Pensa, Neoh, Resemann, Kreuzaler, Abell, Clarke, Reinheckel, Kahn, and Watson. (2014) 2014. “The PI3K regulatory subunits p55α and p50α regulate cell death in vivo”. Cell Death Differ 21 (9): 1442-50.
The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) regulatory subunits p55α and p50α are coordinately transcriptionally upregulated by signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (Stat3) at the onset of mammary gland involution, a process that requires Stat3. Deletion of both p55α and p50α subunits in vivo abrogated mammary epithelial cell death during involution. This was associated also with reduced cytosolic levels and activity of the cysteine protease cathepsin L, which is implicated in lysosomal-mediated programmed cell death (LM-PCD) and is upregulated in involution. Furthermore, involution is delayed in cathepsin L-deficient mice suggesting that the p55α/p50α subunits mediate cell death in part by elevating the level of cathepsin L resulting in increased cytosolic activity. Surprisingly, we found that p55α/p50α localize to the nucleus where they bind to chromatin and regulate transcription of a subset of inflammatory/acute phase genes that are also Stat3 targets. Our findings reveal a novel role for these PI3K regulatory subunits as regulators of LM-PCD in vivo.
Mori, Marcelo, Thomas Thomou, Jeremie Boucher, Kevin Lee, Susanna Lallukka, Jason Kim, Martin Torriani, et al. (2014) 2014. “Altered miRNA processing disrupts brown/white adipocyte determination and associates with lipodystrophy”. J Clin Invest 124 (8): 3339-51.
miRNAs are important regulators of biological processes in many tissues, including the differentiation and function of brown and white adipocytes. The endoribonuclease dicer is a major component of the miRNA-processing pathway, and in adipose tissue, levels of dicer have been shown to decrease with age, increase with caloric restriction, and influence stress resistance. Here, we demonstrated that mice with a fat-specific KO of dicer develop a form of lipodystrophy that is characterized by loss of intra-abdominal and subcutaneous white fat, severe insulin resistance, and enlargement and "whitening" of interscapular brown fat. Additionally, KO of dicer in cultured brown preadipocytes promoted a white adipocyte-like phenotype and reduced expression of several miRNAs. Brown preadipocyte whitening was partially reversed by expression of miR-365, a miRNA known to promote brown fat differentiation; however, introduction of other miRNAs, including miR-346 and miR-362, also contributed to reversal of the loss of the dicer phenotype. Interestingly, fat samples from patients with HIV-related lipodystrophy exhibited a substantial downregulation of dicer mRNA expression. Together, these findings indicate the importance of miRNA processing in white and brown adipose tissue determination and provide a potential link between this process and HIV-related lipodystrophy.
Ussar, Siegfried, Kevin Lee, Simon Dankel, Jeremie Boucher, Max-Felix Haering, Andre Kleinridders, Thomas Thomou, et al. 2014. “ASC-1, PAT2, and P2RX5 are cell surface markers for white, beige, and brown adipocytes”. Sci Transl Med 6 (247): 247ra103.
White, beige, and brown adipocytes are developmentally and functionally distinct but often occur mixed together within individual depots. To target white, beige, and brown adipocytes for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes, a better understanding of the cell surface properties of these cell types is essential. Using a combination of in silico, in vitro, and in vivo methods, we have identified three new cell surface markers of adipose cell types. The amino acid transporter ASC-1 is a white adipocyte-specific cell surface protein, with little or no expression in brown adipocytes, whereas the amino acid transporter PAT2 and the purinergic receptor P2RX5 are cell surface markers expressed in classical brown and beige adipocytes in mice. These markers also selectively mark brown/beige and white adipocytes in human tissue. Thus, ASC-1, PAT2, and P2RX5 are membrane surface proteins that may serve as tools to identify and target white and brown/beige adipocytes for therapeutic purposes.
Iovino, Salvatore, Alison Burkart, Kristina Kriauciunas, Laura Warren, Katelyn Hughes, Michael Molla, Youn-Kyoung Lee, Mary-Elizabeth Patti, and Ronald Kahn. (2014) 2014. “Genetic insulin resistance is a potent regulator of gene expression and proliferation in human iPS cells”. Diabetes 63 (12): 4130-42.
Insulin resistance is central to diabetes and metabolic syndrome. To define the consequences of genetic insulin resistance distinct from those secondary to cellular differentiation or in vivo regulation, we generated induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from individuals with insulin receptor mutations and age-appropriate control subjects and studied insulin signaling and gene expression compared with the fibroblasts from which they were derived. iPSCs from patients with genetic insulin resistance exhibited altered insulin signaling, paralleling that seen in the original fibroblasts. Insulin-stimulated expression of immediate early genes and proliferation were also potently reduced in insulin resistant iPSCs. Global gene expression analysis revealed marked differences in both insulin-resistant iPSCs and corresponding fibroblasts compared with control iPSCs and fibroblasts. Patterns of gene expression in patients with genetic insulin resistance were particularly distinct in the two cell types, indicating dependence on not only receptor activity but also the cellular context of the mutant insulin receptor. Thus, iPSCs provide a novel approach to define effects of genetically determined insulin resistance. This study demonstrates that effects of insulin resistance on gene expression are modified by cellular context and differentiation state. Moreover, altered insulin receptor signaling and insulin resistance can modify proliferation and function of pluripotent stem cell populations.
Winnay, Jonathon, Ercument Dirice, Chong Wee Liew, Rohit Kulkarni, and Ronald Kahn. 2014. “p85α deficiency protects β-cells from endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced apoptosis”. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111 (3): 1192-7.
In insulin resistant states such as type 2 diabetes, there is a high demand on the β-cell to synthesize and secrete insulin, which challenges the ability of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to synthesize and fold nascent proteins. This creates a state of ER stress that triggers a coordinated program referred to as the unfolded protein response (UPR) that attempts to restore ER homeostasis. We identified a role for the p85α regulatory subunit of PI3K to modulate the UPR by promoting the nuclear localization of X-box binding protein 1, a transcription factor central to the UPR. In the present study we demonstrate that reducing p85α expression in β-cells can markedly delay the onset and severity of the diabetic phenotype observed in Akita(+/-) mice, which express a mutant insulin molecule. This is due to a decrease in activation of ER stress-dependent apoptotic pathways and a preservation of β-cell mass and function. These data demonstrate that modulation of p85α can protect pancreatic β-cells from ER stress, pointing to a potentially therapeutic target in diabetic states.