

Kahn, McIntosh, and Drachman. (1990) 1990. “T-cell vaccination in experimental myasthenia gravis: a double-edged sword”. J Autoimmun 3 (6): 659-69.
Immunization with antigen-specific T cells has been used successfully in the treatment of several T cell-mediated experimental autoimmune diseases, including experimental allergic encephalomyelitis, thyroiditis, and adjuvant arthritis. The aim of this study was to determine whether T-cell vaccination could be used to down-regulate specifically the antibody response to AChR in experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis (EAMG), an antibody-mediated disorder. We produced T cells specific for the acetylcholine receptor (AChR) by immunizing Lewis rats with torpedo AChR, harvesting the regional lymph node cells, and restimulating them in vitro with AChR. This cell population was expanded with IL2. The cells were then activated with concanavalin A (Con-A) and exposed to high hydrostatic pressure to augment their immunogenicity. We found that rats vaccinated with these cells did not manifest decreased antibody titers to AChR, when challenged. In fact, the antibody response to AChR was consistently potentiated by the vaccine treatment. This result could not be attributed to antigen carryover by the vaccinating cells or to induction of anti-idiotypic antibodies. Despite these results showing overall enhancement of the AChR antibody response, we found evidence of AChR-specific suppressor cells in the spleens of the vaccinated animals. Our observations indicate that T-cell vaccination can elicit both a positive immune response and a suppressive response in the same animal. If the T-cell vaccination strategy is to be useful for the treatment of MG, methods for amplifying the suppressive effect will need to be developed.
Okamoto, Karasik, White, and Kahn. 1990. “Epidermal growth factor stimulated phosphorylation of a 120-kilodalton endogenous substrate protein in rat hepatocytes”. Biochemistry 29 (40): 9489-94.
Endogenous substrates of the EGF receptor have been described in transformed cells; however, little is known about substrates in normal tissue. To characterize epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor phosphorylation and search for endogenous substrates in normal rat hepatocytes, cells were labeled with [32P]orthophosphate, and phosphotyrosine-containing proteins were sought by using a high-affinity, specific anti-phosphotyrosine antibody. Exposure of 32P-labeled freshly isolated hepatocytes to 1 microgram/mL EGF caused phosphorylation of several proteins of Mr 185K, 160K, and 120K. The 185- and 160-kDa proteins (pp185 and pp160) were identified as the intact and proteolyzed forms of the EGF receptor by virtue of their immunoprecipitation with anti-EGF receptor antibody. This antibody failed to recognize the 120-kDa phosphoprotein (pp120). The phosphopeptide map derived from pp120 was by trypsinization and HPLC separation different from that of pp185, further indicating that pp120 is distinct from the EGF receptor. This pp120 was also immunologically distinct from the pp120 substrate of the insulin receptor kinase and from ATP-citrate lyase. Phosphoamino acid analysis revealed pp120 to be phosphorylated on both tyrosine and serine residues. Autophosphorylation of EGF receptor and phosphorylation of pp120 were almost maximal within 1 min of EGF stimulation. The dose-response curves for phosphorylation of the EGF receptor and pp120 were identical (ED50 = 30 ng/mL) and were superimposable with the fractional occupancy of the EGF receptor. In A431 cells, a transformed cell line whose growth is inhibited by EGF, EGF produced a decrease in pp120 phosphorylation. These data suggest that pp120 is an endogenous substrate for the EGF receptor in hepatocytes whose phosphorylation may be closely related to EGF stimulation of cell growth.
Edge, Kahn, and Spiro. (1990) 1990. “Insulin receptor carbohydrate units contain poly-N-acetyllactosamine chains”. Endocrinology 127 (4): 1887-95.
The insulin receptor was immunoprecipitated from cultured human lymphocytes (IM-9) and rat hepatocytes (Fao) after biosynthetic labeling with [3H]glucosamine or [3H]mannose, and the nature of the carbohydrate units was investigated. Digestion of the receptor from IM-9 lymphocytes with E. freundii endo-beta-galactosidase increased the migration of the insulin receptor alpha- and beta-subunits on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels and sharpened the electrophoretic bands; the alpha-subunit was converted from an apparent mol wt (Mr) of 123,000 to a Mr of 118,000, and the beta-subunit from a Mr of 92,000 to 89,000. The susceptibility of the insulin receptor to this enzyme indicates that its carbohydrate units contain poly-N-acetyllactosamine sequences. Affinity chromatography of receptor glycopeptides on Concanavalin-A-Sepharose revealed that the poly-N-acetyllactosamine units were attached to multiantennary glycopeptides that accounted for over 75% of the [3H]glucosamine incorporated into the IM-9 lymphocyte insulin receptor; the remaining radioactivity was present in polymannose units (primarily Man8GlcNAc2) and biantennary complex saccharides. Several differences in the carbohydrate chains of the insulin receptor from the Fao and IM-9 cells indicated that glycosylation was cell specific despite the occurrence of poly-N-acetyllactosamine chains in both cell types. The IM-9 lymphocyte receptor glycopeptides were larger (Mr, 3,200-9,500) and more susceptible to endo-beta-galactosidase than those from the Fao receptor (Mr, 3,000-5,000). Moreover, the released saccharides from the Fao receptor were found by exoglycosidase digestions and chromatographic comparison to standards to contain terminal sialic acid in both alpha 2----3 and alpha 2----6 linkage to galactose, whereas the IM-9 carbohydrate units contained only alpha 2----3-linked sialic acid.
The juxtamembrane region of the insulin receptor (IR) beta-subunit contains an unphosphorylated tyrosyl residue (Tyr960) that is essential for insulin-stimulated tyrosyl phosphorylation of some endogenous substrates and certain biological responses (White, M.F., Livingston, J.N., Backer, J.M., Lauris, V., Dull, T.J., Ullrich, A., and Kahn, C.R. (1988) Cell 54, 641-649). Tyrosyl residues in the juxtamembrane region of some plasma membrane receptors have been shown to be required for their internalization. In addition, a juxtamembrane tyrosine in the context of the sequence NPXY [corrected] is required for the coated pit-mediated internalization of the low density lipoprotein receptor. To examine the role of the juxtamembrane region of the insulin receptor during receptor-mediated endocytosis, we have studied the internalization of insulin by Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells expressing two mutant receptors: IRF960, in which Tyr960 has been substituted with phenylalanine, and IR delta 960, in which 12 amino acids (Ala954-Asp965), including the putative consensus sequence NPXY [corrected], were deleted. Although the in vivo autophosphorylation of IRF960 and IR delta 960 was similar to wild type, neither mutant could phosphorylate the endogenous substrate pp185. CHO/IRF960 cells internalized insulin normally whereas the intracellular accumulation of insulin by CHO/IR delta 960 cells was 20-30% of wild-type. However, insulin internalization in the CHO/IR delta 960 cells was consistently more rapid than that occurring in CHO cells expressing kinase-deficient receptors (CHO/IRA1018). The degradation of insulin was equally impaired in CHO/IR delta 960 and CHO/IRA1018 cells. These data show that the juxtamembrane region of the insulin receptor contains residues essential for insulin-stimulated internalization and suggest that the sequence NPXY [corrected] may play a general role in directing the internalization of cell surface receptors.
Backer, Kahn, and White. 1990. “The dissociation and degradation of internalized insulin occur in the endosomes of rat hepatoma cells”. J Biol Chem 265 (25): 14828-35.
We have studied the intracellular processing of insulin in the rat hepatoma cell line Fao. Fao cells internalized cohorts of surface-bound 125I-insulin or 125I-insulin-like growth factor II within 3-5 min. Degraded 125I-insulin-like growth factor II did not appear in the medium until 20-30 min after uptake, consistent with a time course of lysosomal delivery. In contrast, internalized insulin was completely degraded within 7-10 min. The half-times for dissociation and degradation of internalized insulin were identical at 37 degrees C (3 min), suggesting that the two processes occurred in the same compartment. Subcellular fractionation of Fao cells showed that a pulse of internalized insulin was largely intact after 3 min and associated with a light membrane fraction devoid of lysosomal markers. After an additional 4 min, the amount of insulin in this compartment decreased by 40%, with an increase in degraded insulin in the cytosol; no transfer of intact insulin to lysosomes or the cytosol was detected. The relationship between insulin-receptor dissociation and insulin degradation was further studied with inhibitors of insulin processing. Monensin blocked both dissociation and degradation of internalized insulin, as did incubation of the cells at 20 degrees C, suggesting that both endosomal acidification and endosomal fusion were required for insulin processing. At 25 degrees C, dissociation (+ t 1/2 = 12.9 min) preceded degradation (+ t 1/2 = 15.8 min). Inhibitors of lysosomal proteases were without effect on the half-time for either process. In contrast, bacitracin, an inhibitor of insulin degradation, caused a 2-fold increase in the half-times for both dissociation and degradation. Thus, intracellular insulin dissociation and degradation are tightly coupled endosomal processes in Fao cells, and insulin degradation facilitates the dissociation of insulin from its receptor inside the cell.
Karasik, Rothenberg, Yamada, White, and Kahn. 1990. “Increased protein kinase C activity is linked to reduced insulin receptor autophosphorylation in liver of starved rats”. J Biol Chem 265 (18): 10226-31.
Phosphorylation of the insulin receptor beta-subunit on serine/threonine residues by protein kinase C reduces both receptor kinase activity and insulin action in cultured cells. Whether this mechanism regulates insulin action in intact animals was investigated in rats rendered insulin-resistant by 3 days of starvation. Insulin-stimulated autophosphorylation of the partially purified hepatic insulin receptor beta-subunit was decreased by 45% in starved animals compared to fed controls. This autophosphorylation defect was entirely reversed by removal of pre-existing phosphate from the receptor with alkaline phosphatase, suggesting that increased basal phosphorylation on serine/threonine residues may cause the decreased receptor tyrosine kinase activity. Tryptic removal of a C-terminal region of the receptor beta-subunit containing the Ser/Thr phosphorylation sites similarly normalized receptor autophosphorylation. To investigate which kinase(s) may be responsible for such increased Ser/Thr phosphorylation in vivo, protein kinase C and cAMP-dependent protein kinase A in liver were studied. A 2-fold increase in protein kinase C activity was found in both cytosol and membrane extracts from starved rats as compared to controls, while protein kinase A activity was diminished in the cytosol of starved rats. A parallel increase in protein kinase C was demonstrated by immunoblotting with a polyclonal antibody which recognizes several protein kinase C isoforms. These findings suggest that in starved, insulin-resistant animals, an increase in hepatic protein kinase C activity is associated with increased Ser/Thr phosphorylation which in turn decreases autophosphorylation and function of the insulin receptor kinase.
Wilden, Backer, Kahn, Cahill, Schroeder, and White. (1990) 1990. “The insulin receptor with phenylalanine replacing tyrosine-1146 provides evidence for separate signals regulating cellular metabolism and growth”. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 87 (9): 3358-62.
We have studied the function of a mutant insulin receptor (IR) molecule in which Tyr-1146, one of the first autophosphorylation sites in the beta subunit, was replaced with phenylalanine (IRF1146). Autophosphorylation of the partially purified IRF1146 was reduced 60-70% when compared to the wild-type IR but was still stimulated by insulin. The phosphotransferase activity of the dephospho form of both the IR and IRF1146 toward exogenous substrates was stimulated 3- to 4-fold by insulin. However, the wild-type IR was activated 12-fold by autophosphorylation, whereas the IRF1146 was activated only 2-fold. When the IRF1146 was expressed in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, insulin binding was normal, whereas autophosphorylation was reduced 80% when compared to cells expressing the wild-type IR. Endogenous substrates of the insulin receptor kinase were not detected during insulin stimulation of CHO cells expressing the IRF1146. Moreover, the IRF1146 did not internalize insulin rapidly or stimulate DNA synthesis in the presence of insulin. In contrast, both the IR and IRF1146 stimulated glycogen synthase equally in CHO cells. These data suggest that activation of the IR tyrosine kinase can be resolved into two components: the first is dependent on insulin binding and the second is dependent on the subsequent insulin-stimulated autophosphorylation cascade. Thus, at least two signal transduction pathways diverging from the IR are implicated in the mechanism of insulin action.
Meyerovitch, Kahn, and Shechter. 1990. “A family of polypeptide substrates and inhibitors of insulin receptor kinase”. Biochemistry 29 (15): 3654-60.
Previous studies have shown that reduced carbamoylmethylated lysozyme (RCAM-lysozyme, MW approximately 14.5K) is a substrate and inhibitor (Ki approximately 0.6 microM) of insulin receptor kinase (InsRK) autophosphorylation (Kohanski & Lane, 1986; Lane & Kohanski, 1986). In this study we have prepared a family of defined modified derivatives of RCAM-lysozyme and used them to probe the nature of the substrate and inhibitory sites of InsRK. All open-chain derivatives of lysozyme in which either the tryptophanyl, methionyl, cysteinyl, arginyl, or histidyl side chains were modified served as substrates and were potent inhibitors of InsRK autophosphorylation. This was true whether the substitutions were either hydrophilic or hydrophobic, although the hydrophilic derivatives had a higher inhibitory potency. Tryptic peptides derived from RCAM-lysozyme, however, were inactive as inhibitors, and a mixture of the three cyanogen bromide fragments (containing 12, 24, and 93 amino acids, respectively) was found to be less potent in inhibiting the receptor kinase. Derivatization of either tyrosyl or carboxyl side chains produced derivatives that were neither substrates nor capable of inhibiting receptor autophosphorylation. Derivatives with modified amino groups were substrates for InsRK but were not able to inhibit InsRK autophosphorylation. The present study suggests that (a) unphosphorylated InsRK has a large hydrophilic substrate binding domain and is effectively inhibited by long-chain polypeptides but not by short sequences, (b) some of the amino, carboxyl, and hydroxyphenyl side chains are essential to the inhibitory nature of these polypeptides, and (c) derivatives that fail to inhibit autophosphorylation can still be recognized and phosphorylated by active InsRK.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Kruszynska, Halban, Kahn, and White. (1990) 1990. “Activation of liver and muscle insulin receptor tyrosine kinase activity during in vivo insulin administration in rats”. Diabetologia 33 (2): 77-83.
We have studied autophosphorylation and tyrosine kinase activity of the insulin receptor purified from liver and muscle of fasted rats before and after infusion of insulin (100 mU/h) during a 2.5 h glucose clamp. Recovery of insulin receptors and insulin binding to the solubilised receptors was unaffected by the glucose clamp. Autophosphorylation of the insulin receptor beta subunit was increased in liver receptors prepared from rats at the end of the glucose clamp compared to rats in the basal state both in the absence of insulin in vitro (109% increase, p less than 0.001) and after in vitro stimulation with 10(-7) mol/l insulin (clamped vs fasted; 96% increase, p less than 0.001). Insulin (10(-7) mol/l) stimulated autophosphorylation was also increased in muscle receptor preparations from clamped rats compared with rats in the basal state (58% increase, p less than 0.05). In both liver and muscle receptors, the clamp increased the amount of [32P]-phosphate incorporated into the beta subunit without changing the sensitivity of the insulin stimulation. HPLC analysis of the tryptic phosphopeptides derived from the beta subunit after insulin stimulated autophosphorylation of liver receptors revealed an increase of 32P in all phosphorylation sites without any change in the overall pattern. Tyrosine kinase activity of liver and muscle insulin receptors from clamped rats was also increased approximately twofold (p less than 0.05) when analysed using a synthetic substrate (poly Glu4 Tyr1). Our results support the notion that the insulin receptor exists in an active an inactive form, and that elevated plasma insulin concentrations increases the proportion of active receptors.
Karasik, Reddy, Pepinsky, Brock, and Kahn. (1990) 1990. “Augmented desensitization to epidermal growth factor (EGF) immediate actions: a novel mechanism for altered EGF growth response in mutant A431 cells”. J Cell Physiol 142 (2): 231-5.
Epidermal growth factor (EGF) may either stimulate or inhibit cell growth. To elucidate the mechanism of these varied effects, we compared EGF action in parental A431 cells in which cell growth is inhibited, and clone 15, a mutant of these cells resistant to EGF growth inhibition. In both lines, EGF receptor was present in similar concentrations and underwent tyrosine phosphorylation to the same extent. Likewise, in both lines, acute exposure to EGF stimulated an increase in free cytoplasmic [Ca2+], as well as a similar increase in phosphorylation of lipocortin 1, a major substrate for the EGF receptor kinase whose phosphorylation is calcium-dependent. On the other hand, pretreatment of clone 15 cells with EGF for 72 h abolished EGF-induced phosphorylation of lipocortin 1 and led to a loss of the increase in cytoplasmic free [Ca2+], whereas no such desensitization was seen in the parental A431 cells. These data indicate a link between EGF-induced increase in cytoplasmic calcium, lipocortin phosphorylation, and cell growth and suggest that differences in mechanisms of desensitization to these immediate actions of EGF may lead to altered growth response to this hormone.