

Wan, Min, Rachael Easton, Catherine Gleason, Bobby Monks, Kohjiro Ueki, Ronald Kahn, and Morris Birnbaum. (2012) 2012. “Loss of Akt1 in mice increases energy expenditure and protects against diet-induced obesity”. Mol Cell Biol 32 (1): 96-106.
Akt is encoded by a gene family for which each isoform serves distinct but overlapping functions. Based on the phenotypes of the germ line gene disruptions, Akt1 has been associated with control of growth, whereas Akt2 has been linked to metabolic regulation. Here we show that Akt1 serves an unexpected role in the regulation of energy metabolism, as mice deficient for Akt1 exhibit protection from diet-induced obesity and its associated insulin resistance. Although skeletal muscle contributes most of the resting and exercising energy expenditure, muscle-specific deletion of Akt1 does not recapitulate the phenotype, indicating that the role of Akt1 in skeletal muscle is cell nonautonomous. These data indicate a previously unknown function of Akt1 in energy metabolism and provide a novel target for treatment of obesity.
Cypess, Aaron, Yih-Chieh Chen, Cathy Sze, Ke Wang, Jeffrey English, Onyee Chan, Ashley Holman, et al. 2012. “Cold but not sympathomimetics activates human brown adipose tissue in vivo”. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 109 (25): 10001-5.
As potential activators of brown adipose tissue (BAT), mild cold exposure and sympathomimetic drugs have been considered as treatments for obesity and diabetes, but whether they activate the same pathways is unknown. In 10 healthy human volunteers, we found that the sympathomimetic ephedrine raised blood pressure, heart rate, and energy expenditure, and increased multiple circulating metabolites, including glucose, insulin, and thyroid hormones. Cold exposure also increased blood pressure and energy expenditure, but decreased heart rate and had little effect on metabolites. Importantly, cold increased BAT activity as measured by (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose PET-CT in every volunteer, whereas ephedrine failed to stimulate BAT. Thus, at doses leading to broad activation of the sympathetic nervous system, ephedrine does not stimulate BAT in humans. In contrast, mild cold exposure stimulates BAT energy expenditure with fewer other systemic effects, suggesting that cold activates specific sympathetic pathways. Agents that mimic cold activation of BAT could provide a promising approach to treating obesity while minimizing systemic effects.
Vernochet, Cecile, and Ronald Kahn. (2012) 2012. “Mitochondria, obesity and aging”. Aging (Albany NY) 4 (12): 859-60.
Ferris, Heather, and Ronald Kahn. (2012) 2012. “New mechanisms of glucocorticoid-induced insulin resistance: make no bones about it”. J Clin Invest 122 (11): 3854-7.
Glucocorticoids are a powerful tool used to treat a range of human illnesses, including autoimmune diseases and cancer, and to prevent rejection following organ transplantation. While lifesaving for many, they come with a steep price, often leading to obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes, and osteoporosis. In this issue of the JCI, Brennan-Speranza and colleagues provide evidence that the osteoblast-derived peptide osteocalcin is one of the drivers of the metabolic derangements associated with glucocorticoid therapy. This novel mechanism could open up new avenues for the treatment of these disorders.
Lee, Kevin, and Ronald Kahn. 2012. “Turning on brown fat and muscle metabolism: hedging your bets”. Cell 151 (2): 248-50.
Developmental genes are essential in the formation and function of adipose tissue and muscle. In this issue of Cell, Teperino et al. demonstrate that noncanonical hedgehog signaling increases glucose uptake into brown fat and muscle. Modulation of developmental pathways may serve as a potential target for new treatments of diabetes and other metabolic disorders.
Rask-Madsen, Christian, and Ronald Kahn. (2012) 2012. “Tissue-specific insulin signaling, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease”. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 32 (9): 2052-9.
Impaired insulin signaling is central to development of the metabolic syndrome and can promote cardiovascular disease indirectly through development of abnormal glucose and lipid metabolism, hypertension, and a proinflammatory state. However, insulin's action directly on vascular endothelium, atherosclerotic plaque macrophages, and in the heart, kidney, and retina has now been described, and impaired insulin signaling in these locations can alter progression of cardiovascular disease in the metabolic syndrome and affect development of microvascular complications of diabetes mellitus. Recent advances in our understanding of the complex pathophysiology of insulin's effects on vascular tissues offer new opportunities for preventing these cardiovascular disorders.
Macotela, Yazmin, Brice Emanuelli, Marcelo Mori, Stephane Gesta, Tim Schulz, Yu-Hua Tseng, and Ronald Kahn. (2012) 2012. “Intrinsic differences in adipocyte precursor cells from different white fat depots”. Diabetes 61 (7): 1691-9.
Obesity and body fat distribution are important risk factors for the development of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Evidence has accumulated that this risk is related to intrinsic differences in behavior of adipocytes in different fat depots. In the current study, we demonstrate that adipocyte precursor cells (APCs) isolated from visceral and subcutaneous white adipose depots of mice have distinct patterns of gene expression, differentiation potential, and response to environmental and genetic influences. APCs derived from subcutaneous fat differentiate well in the presence of classical induction cocktail, whereas those from visceral fat differentiate poorly but can be induced to differentiate by addition of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-2 or BMP-4. This difference correlates with major differences in gene expression signature between subcutaneous and visceral APCs. The number of APCs is higher in obesity-prone C57BL/6 mice than obesity-resistant 129 mice, and the number in both depots is increased by up to 270% by exposure of mice to high-fat diet. Thus, APCs from visceral and subcutaneous depots are dynamic populations, which have intrinsic differences in gene expression, differentiation properties, and responses to environmental/genetic factors. Regulation of these populations may provide a new target for the treatment and prevention of obesity and its metabolic complications.
Roth, Jesse, Sana Qureshi, Ian Whitford, Mladen Vranic, Ronald Kahn, George Fantus, and John Dirks. (2012) 2012. “Insulin's discovery: new insights on its ninetieth birthday”. Diabetes Metab Res Rev 28 (4): 293-304.
2012 marks the 90th year since the purification of insulin and the miraculous rescue from death of youngsters with type 1 diabetes. In this review, we highlight several previously unappreciated or unknown events surrounding the discovery. (i) We remind readers of the essential contributions of each of the four discoverers--Banting, Macleod, Collip, and Best. (ii) Banting and Best (each with his own inner circle) worked not only to accrue credit for himself but also to minimize credit to the other discoverers. (iii) Banting at the time of the insulin research was very likely suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that originated during his heroic service as a surgeon in World War I on the Western Front in 1918, including an infected shrapnel wound that threatened amputation of his arm. His war record along with the newly discovered evidence of a suicide threat goes along with his paranoia, combativeness, alcohol excess, and depression, symptoms we associate with PTSD. (iv) Banting's eureka idea, ligation of the pancreatic duct to preserve the islets, while it energized the early research, was unnecessary and was bypassed early. (v) Post discovery, Macleod uncovered many features of insulin action that he summarized in his 1925 Nobel Lecture. Macleod closed by raising the question--what is the mechanism of insulin action in the body?--a challenge that attracted many talented investigators but remained unanswered until the latter third of the 20th century.
Kiefer, Florian, Cecile Vernochet, Patrick O’Brien, Steffen Spoerl, Jonathan Brown, Shriram Nallamshetty, Maximilian Zeyda, et al. (2012) 2012. “Retinaldehyde dehydrogenase 1 regulates a thermogenic program in white adipose tissue”. Nat Med 18 (6): 918-25.
Promoting brown adipose tissue (BAT) formation and function may reduce obesity. Recent data link retinoids to energy balance, but a specific role for retinoid metabolism in white versus brown fat is unknown. Retinaldehyde dehydrogenases (Aldhs), also known as aldehyde dehydrogenases, are rate-limiting enzymes that convert retinaldehyde (Rald) to retinoic acid. Here we show that Aldh1a1 is expressed predominately in white adipose tissue (WAT), including visceral depots in mice and humans. Deficiency of the Aldh1a1 gene induced a BAT-like transcriptional program in WAT that drove uncoupled respiration and adaptive thermogenesis. WAT-selective Aldh1a1 knockdown conferred this BAT program in obese mice, limiting weight gain and improving glucose homeostasis. Rald induced uncoupling protein-1 (Ucp1) mRNA and protein levels in white adipocytes by selectively activating the retinoic acid receptor (RAR), recruiting the coactivator PGC-1α and inducing Ucp1 promoter activity. These data establish Aldh1a1 and its substrate Rald as previously unrecognized determinants of adipocyte plasticity and adaptive thermogenesis, which may have potential therapeutic implications.
Ussar, Siegfried, Olivier Bezy, Matthias Bluher, and Ronald Kahn. (2012) 2012. “Glypican-4 enhances insulin signaling via interaction with the insulin receptor and serves as a novel adipokine”. Diabetes 61 (9): 2289-98.
Obesity, especially visceral obesity, is associated with insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. We previously identified the cell surface proteoglycan glypican-4 as differentially expressed in subcutaneous versus visceral white fat depots. Here we show that glypican-4 is released from cells and adipose tissue explants of mice, and that circulating glypican-4 levels correlate with BMI and insulin sensitivity in humans. Furthermore, glypican-4 interacts with the insulin receptor, enhances insulin receptor signaling, and enhances adipocyte differentiation. Conversely, depletion of glypican-4 results in reduced activation of the insulin receptor and prevents adipocyte differentiation in vitro by inhibiting insulin-mediated C/EBPβ phosphorylation. These functions of glypican-4 are independent of its glycosylphosphatidylinositol membrane anchorage, as a nonmembrane-bound mutant of glypican-4 phenocopies the effects of native glypican-4 overexpression. In summary, glypican-4 is a novel circulating insulin sensitizing adipose-derived factor that, unlike other insulin sensitizers, acts directly on the insulin receptor to enhance signaling.