Publications by Year: 2004


Goren, Joseph, Rohit Kulkarni, and Ronald Kahn. (2004) 2004. “Glucose homeostasis and tissue transcript content of insulin signaling intermediates in four inbred strains of mice: C57BL/6, C57BLKS/6, DBA/2, and 129X1”. Endocrinology 145 (7): 3307-23.
Transgenic mice phenotypes generally depend on the background strains used in their creation. To examine the effects of genetic background on insulin signaling, we analyzed glucose homeostasis in four inbred strains of mice [C57BL/6 (B6), C57BLKS/6 (KLS), DBA/2 (DBA), and 129X1] and quantitated mRNA content of insulin receptor (IR) and its substrates in insulin-responsive tissues. At 2 months, the male B6 mouse is the least glucose-tolerant despite exhibiting similar insulin sensitivity and first-phase insulin secretion as the other strains. The 129X1 male mouse islet contains less insulin and exhibits a higher threshold for glucose-stimulated first-phase insulin secretion than the other strains. Female mice generally manifest better glucose tolerance than males, which is likely due to greater insulin sensitivity in liver and adipose tissue, a robust first-phase insulin secretion in B6 and KLS females, and improved insulin sensitivity in muscle in DBA and 129X1 females. At 6 months, although males exhibit improved first-phase insulin secretion, their physiology was relatively unchanged, whereas female B6 and KLS mice became less insulin sensitive. Gene expression of insulin signaling intermediates in insulin-responsive tissues was generally not strain dependent with the cell content of IR mRNA being highest. IR substrate (IRS)-1 and IRS-2 mRNA are ubiquitously expressed and IRS-3 and IRS-4 mRNA were detected in significant amounts in fat and brain tissues, respectively. These data indicate strain-, gender-, and age-dependent tissue sensitivity to insulin that is generally not associated with transcript content of IR or its substrates and should be taken into consideration during phenotypic characterization of transgenic mice.
Nandi, Anindita, Yukari Kitamura, Ronald Kahn, and Domenico Accili. (2004) 2004. “Mouse models of insulin resistance”. Physiol Rev 84 (2): 623-47.
Insulin resistance plays a key role in the pathogenesis of several human diseases, including diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases. The predisposition to insulin resistance results from genetic and environmental factors. The search for gene variants that predispose to insulin resistance has been thwarted by its genetically heterogeneous pathogenesis. However, using techniques of targeted mutagenesis and transgenesis in rodents, investigators have developed mouse models to test critical hypotheses on the pathogenesis of insulin resistance. Moreover, experimental crosses among mutant mice have shed light onto the polygenic nature of the interactions underlying this complex metabolic condition.
Kondo, Tatsuya, Ali Hafezi-Moghadam, Kennard Thomas, Denisa Wagner, and Ronald Kahn. 2004. “Mice lacking insulin or insulin-like growth factor 1 receptors in vascular endothelial cells maintain normal blood-brain barrier”. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 317 (2): 315-20.
The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is created by a combination of endothelial cells with tight junctions and astrocytes. One of the key tight junction proteins, zona occludens-1 (ZO-1), has been reported to be stimulated in its expression by insulin and IGF-1. To assess the role of insulin and IGF-1 in endothelial cells in the BBB we have utilized mice with a vascular endothelial cell-specific knockout of the insulin receptor (VENIRKO) and IGF-1 receptor (VENIFARKO). Both of these mice show a normal BBB based on no increase in leakage of Evans blue dye in the brain of these mice basally or after cold injury. Furthermore, the structural integrity of the BBB and blood-retinal barrier (BRB) was intact using the vascular markers lectin B-4 and ZO-1, and both proteins were properly co-localized in both brain and retinal vascular tissue of these mice. These observations indicate that neither insulin nor IGF-1 signaling in vascular endothelial cells is required for development and maintenance of BBB or BRB.
Miura, Atsushi, Mini Sajan, Mary Standaert, Gautam Bandyopadhyay, Ronald Kahn, and Robert Farese. 2004. “Insulin substrates 1 and 2 are corequired for activation of atypical protein kinase C and Cbl-dependent phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase during insulin action in immortalized brown adipocytes”. Biochemistry 43 (49): 15503-9.
Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)-dependent activation of atypical protein kinase C (aPKC) is required for insulin-stimulated glucose transport. Although insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) and IRS-2, among other factors, activate PI3K, there is little information on the relative roles of IRS-1and IRS-2 during aPKC activation by insulin action in specific cell types. Presently, we have used immortalized brown adipocytes in which either IRS-1 or IRS-2 has been knocked out by recombinant methods to examine IRS-1 and IRS-2 requirements for activation of aPKC. We have also used these adipocytes to see if IRS-1 and IRS-2 are required for activation of Cbl, which is required for insulin-stimulated glucose transport and has been found to function upstream of both PI3K/aPKC and Crk during thiazolidinedione action in 3T3/L1 adipocytes [Miura et al. (2003) Biochemistry 42, 14335]. In brown adipocytes in which either IRS-1 or IRS-2 was knocked out, insulin-induced increases in aPKC activity and glucose transport were markedly diminished. These effects of insulin on aPKC and glucose transport were fully restored by retroviral-mediated expression of IRS-1 or IRS-2 in their respective knockout cells. Knockout of IRS-1 or IRS-2 also inhibited insulin-induced increases in Cbl binding to the p85 subunit of PI3K, which, along with IRS-1/2, may be required for activation of PI3K, aPKC, and glucose transport during insulin action in 3T3/L1 adipocytes. These findings provide evidence that directly links both IRS-1 and IRS-2 to aPKC activation in immortalized brown adipocytes, and further suggest that IRS-1 and IRS-2 are required for the activation of Cbl/PI3K during insulin action in these cells.
Bluher, Matthias, Leanne Wilson-Fritch, John Leszyk, Palle Laustsen, Silvia Corvera, and Ronald Kahn. 2004. “Role of insulin action and cell size on protein expression patterns in adipocytes”. J Biol Chem 279 (30): 31902-9.
Mice with a fat-specific insulin receptor knock-out (FIRKO) exhibit a polarization of white adipose tissue into two populations of cells, one small (diameter 50 microm) and one large (diameter >100 microm), accompanied by changes in insulin-stimulated glucose uptake, triglyceride synthesis, and lipolysis. To characterize these subclasses of adipocytes, we have used a proteomics approach in which isolated adipocytes from FIRKO and control (IR lox/lox) mice were separated by size, fractionated into cytosolic and membrane subfractions, and analyzed by sucrose gradient, SDS-PAGE, and mass spectrometry. A total of 27 alterations in protein expression at key steps in lipid and energy metabolism could be defined, which were coordinately regulated by adipocyte cell size, impaired insulin signaling, or both. Nine proteins, including vimentin, EH-domain-containing protein 2, elongation factor 2, glucose-regulated protein 78, transketolase, and succinyl-CoA transferase were primarily affected by presence or absence of insulin signaling, whereas 21 proteins, including myosin non-muscle form A, annexin 2, annexin A6, and Hsp47 were regulated in relation to adipocyte size. Of these 27 alterations in protein expression, 14 changes correlated with altered levels of mRNA, whereas the remaining 13 were the result of changes in protein translation or turnover. These data suggest an intrinsic heterogeneity in adipocytes with differences in protein expression patterns caused by transcriptional and post-transcriptional alterations related to insulin action and cellular lipid accumulation.
Ueki, Kohjiro, Tatsuya Kondo, and Ronald Kahn. (2004) 2004. “Suppressor of cytokine signaling 1 (SOCS-1) and SOCS-3 cause insulin resistance through inhibition of tyrosine phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate proteins by discrete mechanisms”. Mol Cell Biol 24 (12): 5434-46.
Insulin resistance is a pathophysiological component of type 2 diabetes and obesity and also occurs in states of stress, infection, and inflammation associated with an upregulation of cytokines. Here we show that in both obesity and lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced endotoxemia there is an increase in suppressor of cytokine signaling (SOCS) proteins, SOCS-1 and SOCS-3, in liver, muscle, and, to a lesser extent, fat. In concordance with these increases by LPS, tyrosine phosphorylation of the insulin receptor (IR) is partially impaired and phosphorylation of the insulin receptor substrate (IRS) proteins is almost completely suppressed. Direct overexpression of SOCS-3 in liver by adenoviral-mediated gene transfer markedly decreases tyrosine phosphorylation of both IRS-1 and IRS-2, while SOCS-1 overexpression preferentially inhibits IRS-2 phosphorylation. Neither affects IR phosphorylation, although both SOCS-1 and SOCS-3 bind to the insulin receptor in vivo in an insulin-dependent fashion. Experiments with cultured cells expressing mutant insulin receptors reveal that SOCS-3 binds to Tyr960 of IR, a key residue for the recognition of IRS-1 and IRS-2, whereas SOCS-1 binds to the domain in the catalytic loop essential for IRS-2 recognition in vitro. Moreover, overexpression of either SOCS-1 or SOCS-3 attenuates insulin-induced glycogen synthesis in L6 myotubes and activation of glucose uptake in 3T3L1 adipocytes. By contrast, a reduction of SOCS-1 or SOCS-3 by antisense treatment partially restores tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced downregulation of tyrosine phosphorylation of IRS proteins in 3T3L1 adipocytes. These data indicate that SOCS-1 and SOCS-3 act as negative regulators in insulin signaling and serve as one of the missing links between insulin resistance and cytokine signaling.
Kondo, Tatsuya, and Ronald Kahn. 2004. “Altered insulin signaling in retinal tissue in diabetic states”. J Biol Chem 279 (36): 37997-6.
Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes can lead to altered retinal microvascular function and diabetic retinopathy. Insulin signaling may also play a role in this process, and mice lacking insulin receptors in endothelial cells are protected from retinal neovascularization. To define the role of diabetes in retinal function, we compared insulin signaling in the retinal vasculature of mouse models of type 1 (streptozotocin) and type 2 diabetes (ob/ob). In streptozotocin mice, in both retina and liver, insulin receptor (IR) and insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-2 protein and tyrosine phosphorylation were increased by insulin, while IRS-1 protein and its phosphorylation were maintained. By contrast, in ob/ob mice, there was marked down-regulation of IR, IRS-1, and IRS-2 protein and phosphorylation in liver; these were maintained or increased in retina. In both mice, Phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate generation by acute insulin stimulation was enhanced in retinal endothelial cells. On the other hand, protein levels and phosphorylation of PDK1 and Akt were decreased in retina of both mice. Interestingly, phosphorylation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase and ERK1 were responsive to insulin in retina of both mice but were unresponsive in liver. HIF-1alpha and vascular endothelial growth factor were increased and endothelial nitric-oxide synthase was decreased in retina. These observations indicate that, in both insulin-resistant and insulin-deficient diabetic states, there are alterations in insulin signaling, such as impaired PDK/Akt responses and enhanced mitogen-activated protein kinases responses that could contribute to the retinopathy. Furthermore, insulin signaling in retinal endothelial cells is differentially altered in diabetes and is also differentially regulated from insulin signaling in classical target tissues such as liver.
Ueki, Kohjiro, Tatsuya Kondo, Yu-Hua Tseng, and Ronald Kahn. 2004. “Central role of suppressors of cytokine signaling proteins in hepatic steatosis, insulin resistance, and the metabolic syndrome in the mouse”. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 101 (28): 10422-7.
Insulin resistance, obesity, diabetes, dyslipidemia, and nonalcoholic fatty liver are components of the metabolic syndrome, a disease complex that is increasing at epidemic rates in westernized countries. Although proinflammatory cytokines have been suggested to contribute to the development of these disorders, the molecular mechanism is poorly understood. Here we show that overexpression of suppressors of cytokine signaling (SOCS)-1 and SOCS-3 in liver causes insulin resistance and an increase in the key regulator of fatty acid synthesis in liver, sterol regulatory element-binding protein (SREBP)-1c. Conversely, inhibition of SOCS-1 and -3 in obese diabetic mice improves insulin sensitivity, normalizes the increased expression of SREBP-1c, and dramatically ameliorates hepatic steatosis and hypertriglyceridemia. In obese animals, increased SOCS proteins enhance SREBP-1c expression by antagonizing STAT3-mediated inhibition of SREBP-1c promoter activity. Thus, SOCS proteins play an important role in pathogenesis of the metabolic syndrome by concordantly modulating insulin signaling and cytokine signaling.
Entingh-Pearsall, Amelia, and Ronald Kahn. 2004. “Differential roles of the insulin and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) receptors in response to insulin and IGF-I”. J Biol Chem 279 (36): 38016-24.
Insulin and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) receptors are highly homologous tyrosine kinase receptors that share many common steps in their signaling pathways and have ligands that can bind to either receptor with differing affinities. To define precisely the signaling specific to the insulin receptor (IR) or the IGF-I receptor, we have generated brown preadipocyte cell lines that lack either receptor (insulin receptor knockout (IRKO) or insulin-like growth factor receptor knockout (IGFRKO)). Control preadipocytes expressed fewer insulin receptors than IGF-I receptors (20,000 versus 60,000), but during differentiation, insulin receptor levels increased so that mature adipocytes expressed slightly more insulin receptors than IGF-I receptors (120,000 versus 100,000). In these cells, insulin stimulated IR homodimer phosphorylation, whereas IGF-I activated both IGF-I receptor homodimers and hybrid receptors. Insulin-stimulated IRS-1 phosphorylation was significantly impaired in IRKO cells but was surprisingly elevated in IGFRKO cells. IRS-2 phosphorylation was unchanged in either cell line upon insulin stimulation. IGF-I-dependent phosphorylation of IRS-1 and IRS-2 was ablated in IGFRKO cells but not in IRKO cells. In control cells, both insulin and IGF-I produced a dose-dependent increase in phosphorylated Akt and MAPK, although IGF-I elicited a stronger response at an equivalent dose. In IRKO cells, the insulin-dependent increase in phospho-Akt was completely abolished at the lowest dose and reached only 20% of the control stimulation at 10 nm. Most interestingly, the response to IGF-I was also impaired at low doses, suggesting that IR is required for both insulin- and IGF-I-dependent phosphorylation of Akt. Most surprisingly, insulin- or IGF-I-dependent phosphorylation of MAPK was unaltered in either receptor-deficient cell line. Taken together, these results indicate that the insulin and IGF-I receptors contribute distinct signals to common downstream components in response to both insulin and IGF-I.
Sajan, Mini, Mary Standaert, Atsushi Miura, Ron Kahn, and Robert Farese. (2004) 2004. “Tissue-specific differences in activation of atypical protein kinase C and protein kinase B in muscle, liver, and adipocytes of insulin receptor substrate-1 knockout mice”. Mol Endocrinol 18 (10): 2513-21.
Insulin receptor substrates (IRSs) 1 and 2 are postulated to control the activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)-dependent signaling factors, namely, atypical protein kinase C (aPKC) and protein kinase B (PKB)/Akt, which mediate metabolic effects of insulin. However, it is uncertain whether aPKC and PKB are activated together or differentially in response to IRS-1 and IRS-2 activation in insulin-sensitive tissues. Presently, we examined insulin activation of aPKC and PKB in vastus lateralis muscle, adipocytes, and liver in wild-type and IRS-1 knockout mice, and observed striking tissue-specific differences. In muscle of IRS-1 knockout mice, the activation of both aPKC and PKB was markedly diminished. In marked contrast, only aPKC activation was diminished in adipocytes, and only PKB activation was diminished in liver. These results suggest that IRS-1 is required for: 1) activation of both aPKC and PKB in muscle; 2) aPKC, but not PKB, activation in adipocytes; and 3) PKB, but not aPKC, activation in liver. Presumably, IRS-2 or other PI3K activators account for the normal activation of aPKC in liver and PKB in adipocytes of IRS-1 knockout mice. These complexities in aPKC and PKB activation may be relevant to metabolic abnormalities seen in tissues in which IRS-1 or IRS-2 is specifically or predominantly down-regulated.