Publications by Year: 2004


Mason, Steven, Richard Howlett, Matthew Kim, Mark Olfert, Michael Hogan, Wayne McNulty, Reed Hickey, et al. (2004) 2004. “Loss of skeletal muscle HIF-1alpha results in altered exercise endurance”. PLoS Biol 2 (10): e288.
The physiological flux of oxygen is extreme in exercising skeletal muscle. Hypoxia is thus a critical parameter in muscle function, influencing production of ATP, utilization of energy-producing substrates, and manufacture of exhaustion-inducing metabolites. Glycolysis is the central source of anaerobic energy in animals, and this metabolic pathway is regulated under low-oxygen conditions by the transcription factor hypoxia-inducible factor 1alpha (HIF-1alpha). To determine the role of HIF-1alpha in regulating skeletal muscle function, we tissue-specifically deleted the gene encoding the factor in skeletal muscle. Significant exercise-induced changes in expression of genes are decreased or absent in the skeletal-muscle HIF-1alpha knockout mice (HIF-1alpha KOs); changes in activities of glycolytic enzymes are seen as well. There is an increase in activity of rate-limiting enzymes of the mitochondria in the muscles of HIF-1alpha KOs, indicating that the citric acid cycle and increased fatty acid oxidation may be compensating for decreased flow through the glycolytic pathway. This is corroborated by a finding of no significant decreases in muscle ATP, but significantly decreased amounts of lactate in the serum of exercising HIF-1alpha KOs. This metabolic shift away from glycolysis and toward oxidation has the consequence of increasing exercise times in the HIF-1alpha KOs. However, repeated exercise trials give rise to extensive muscle damage in HIF-1alpha KOs, ultimately resulting in greatly reduced exercise times relative to wild-type animals. The muscle damage seen is similar to that detected in humans in diseases caused by deficiencies in skeletal muscle glycogenolysis and glycolysis. Thus, these results demonstrate an important role for the HIF-1 pathway in the metabolic control of muscle function.
Kulkarni, Rohit, Ulupi Jhala, Jonathon Winnay, Stan Krajewski, Marc Montminy, and Ronald Kahn. (2004) 2004. “PDX-1 haploinsufficiency limits the compensatory islet hyperplasia that occurs in response to insulin resistance”. J Clin Invest 114 (6): 828-36.
Inadequate compensatory beta cell hyperplasia in insulin-resistant states triggers the development of overt diabetes. The mechanisms that underlie this crucial adaptive response are not fully defined. Here we show that the compensatory islet-growth response to insulin resistance in 2 models--insulin receptor (IR)/IR substrate-1 (IRS-1) double heterozygous mice and liver-specific IR KO (LIRKO) mice--is severely restricted by PDX-1 heterozygosity. Six-month-old IR/IRS-1 and LIRKO mice both showed up to a 10-fold increase in beta cell mass, which involved epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. In both models, superimposition of PDX-1 haploinsufficiency upon the background of insulin resistance completely abrogated the adaptive islet hyperplastic response, and instead the beta cells showed apoptosis resulting in premature death of the mice. This study shows that, in postdevelopmental states of beta cell growth, PDX-1 is a critical regulator of beta cell replication and is required for the compensatory response to insulin resistance.
Bouche, Clara, Shanti Serdy, Ronald Kahn, and Allison Goldfine. (2004) 2004. “The cellular fate of glucose and its relevance in type 2 diabetes”. Endocr Rev 25 (5): 807-30.
Type 2 diabetes is a complex disorder with diminished insulin secretion and insulin action contributing to the hyperglycemia and wide range of metabolic defects that underlie the disease. The contribution of glucose metabolic pathways per se in the pathogenesis of the disease remains unclear. The cellular fate of glucose begins with glucose transport and phosphorylation. Subsequent pathways of glucose utilization include aerobic and anaerobic glycolysis, glycogen formation, and conversion to other intermediates in the hexose phosphate or hexosamine biosynthesis pathways. Abnormalities in each pathway may occur in diabetic subjects; however, it is unclear whether perturbations in these may lead to diabetes or are a consequence of the multiple metabolic abnormalities found in the disease. This review is focused on the cellular fate of glucose and relevance to human type 2 diabetes.
Kahn, Ronald, and Jesse Roth. (2004) 2004. “Berson, Yalow, and the JCI: the agony and the ecstasy”. J Clin Invest 114 (8): 1051-4.
The isolation of insulin in 1921 by Banting, Best, Collip, and Macleod stands as one of the most dramatic stories in modern medical investigation. Only two years passed between the initial experiments in dogs to widespread human application to the awarding of the Nobel Prize in 1923. Insulin-related research has also served as a focus, at least in part, for the work of three other Nobel Prize recipients: determination of the chemical structure of insulin by Frederick Sanger in 1958; determination of the three-dimensional structures of insulin and vitamin B12 by Dorothy Hodgkin in 1964; and finally, the development of immunoassay by Solomon Berson and Rosalyn Yalow in 1959-1960, which led to a Nobel Prize for Yalow in 1977 (five years after the untimely death of Berson). The history of Yalow and Berson's discovery and its impact on the field is an illustration of the adage that every story has two sides.
Yechoor, Vijay, Mary-Elizabeth Patti, Kohjiro Ueki, Palle Laustsen, Robert Saccone, Ravi Rauniyar, and Ronald Kahn. 2004. “Distinct pathways of insulin-regulated versus diabetes-regulated gene expression: an in vivo analysis in MIRKO mice”. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 101 (47): 16525-30.
Diabetes mellitus is a complex metabolic disorder accompanied by alterations in cellular physiology, metabolism, and gene expression. These alterations can be primary (due to loss of direct insulin action) or secondary (due to the metabolic perturbations associated with the disease). To dissect and quantitate these two separate effects, we compared the skeletal muscle gene-expression profiles of muscle insulin receptor knockout (MIRKO) mice and their Lox controls in the basal, streptozotocin-induced diabetic, and insulin-treated diabetic states. Pure deficiency of insulin action as present in the MIRKO mouse results in regulation of 130 genes, with down-regulation of NSF (N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein) and VAMP-2 (vesicle-associated membrane protein 2), stearoyl CoA desaturase 1, and cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase 4B, as well as up-regulation of some signaling-related genes, such as Akt2, and the fatty-acid transporter CD36. In diabetes, additional transcriptional mechanisms are activated, resulting in alterations in expression of approximately 500 genes, including a highly coordinated down-regulation of genes of the mitochondrial electron-transport chain and one of the mammalian homologues of the histone deacetylase Sir2, which has been implicated in the link between nutrition and longevity. These distinct pathways of direct and indirect regulation of gene expression provide insights into the complex mechanisms of transcriptional control in diabetes and areas of potential therapeutic targeting.
Almind, Katrine, and Ronald Kahn. (2004) 2004. “Genetic determinants of energy expenditure and insulin resistance in diet-induced obesity in mice”. Diabetes 53 (12): 3274-85.
Diet-induced obesity is the primary determinant of the current epidemic of diabetes. We have explored the role of genetics in this phenomenon, using C57Bl/6 (B6), 129S6/SvEvTac (129), and intercross (B6 x 129)F2 mice on a low- or high-fat diet. Over an 18-week period, B6 and F2 mice gained more weight, had higher levels of insulin and leptin, and showed greater glucose intolerance than 129 mice, despite lower food intake. By contrast, metabolic rate and diet-induced thermogenesis were significantly higher in the 129 mice. Genome-wide scans identified several quantitative trait loci, including a quantitative trait locus that was linked with hyperinsulinemia/insulin resistance on chromosome 14 in a region similar to that seen in mice with genetically induced insulin resistance. Microarray analysis indicated significant changes in expression levels between B6 and 129 mice in the identified chromosomal area of Wnt5a and protein kinase Cdelta (PKCdelta). Thus, caloric efficiency, i.e., the "thrifty gene," is a dominant-acting genetic determinant of diet-induced obesity in mice and can be linked to a locus on chromosome 14, including genes linked to adipose development and insulin sensitivity.