Publications by Year: 2002


Laustsen, Palle, Dodson Michael, Barbara Crute, Shmuel Cohen, Kohjiro Ueki, Rohit Kulkarni, Susanna Keller, Gustav Lienhard, and Ronald Kahn. 2002. “Lipoatrophic diabetes in Irs1(-/-)/Irs3(-/-) double knockout mice”. Genes Dev 16 (24): 3213-22.
Based on the phenotypes of knockout mice and cell lines, as well as pathway-specific analysis, the insulin receptor substrates IRS-1, IRS-2, IRS-3, and IRS-4 have been shown to play unique roles in insulin signal transduction. To investigate possible functional complementarity within the IRS family, we generated mice with double knockout of the genes for IRS-1/IRS-3 and IRS-1/IRS-4. Mice with a combined deficiency of IRS-1 and IRS-4 showed no differences from Irs1(-/-) mice with respect to growth and glucose homeostasis. In contrast, mice with a combined deficiency of IRS-1 and IRS-3 developed early-onset severe lipoatrophy associated with marked hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, and insulin resistance. However, in contrast to other models of lipoatrophic diabetes, there was no accumulation of fat in liver or muscle. Furthermore, plasma leptin levels were markedly decreased, and adenovirus-mediated expression of leptin in liver reversed the hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia. The results indicate that IRS-1 and IRS-3 play important complementary roles in adipogenesis and establish the Irs1(-/-)/Irs3(-/-) double knockout mouse as a novel model of lipoatrophic diabetes.
Van Maldergem, Magré, Khallouf, Gedde-Dahl, Delépine, Trygstad, Seemanova, et al. (2002) 2002. “Genotype-phenotype relationships in Berardinelli-Seip congenital lipodystrophy”. J Med Genet 39 (10): 722-33.
Generalised lipodystrophy of the Berardinelli-Seip type (BSCL) is a rare autosomal recessive human disorder with severe adverse metabolic consequences. A gene on chromosome 9 (BSCL1) has recently been identified, predominantly in African-American families. More recently, mutations in a previously undescribed gene of unknown function (BSCL2) on chromosome 11, termed seipin, have been found to be responsible for this disorder in a number of European and Middle Eastern families. We have studied the genotype/phenotype relationships in 70 affected subjects from 44 apparently unrelated pedigrees of diverse ethnic origin. In all subjects, hepatic dysfunction, hyperlipidaemia, diabetes mellitus, and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy were significant contributors to morbidity with no clear differences in their prevalence between subjects with BSCL1 or BSCL2 and those with evidence against cosegregation with either chromosome 9 or 11 (designated BSCLX). BSCL2 appears to be a more severe disorder than BSCL1 with a higher incidence of premature death and a lower prevalence of partial and/or delayed onset of lipodystrophy. Notably, subjects with BSCL2 had a significantly higher prevalence of intellectual impairment than those with BSCL1 or BSCLX (p0.0001, OR 17.0, CI 3.6 to 79.0). The higher prevalence of intellectual impairment and the increased risk of premature death in BSCL2 compared to BSCL1 emphasise the importance of molecular diagnosis of this syndrome and have clear implications for genetic counselling.
Crackower, Michael, Gavin Oudit, Ivona Kozieradzki, Renu Sarao, Hui Sun, Takehiko Sasaki, Emilio Hirsch, et al. 2002. “Regulation of myocardial contractility and cell size by distinct PI3K-PTEN signaling pathways”. Cell 110 (6): 737-49.
The PTEN/PI3K signaling pathway regulates a vast array of fundamental cellular responses. We show that cardiomyocyte-specific inactivation of tumor suppressor PTEN results in hypertrophy, and unexpectedly, a dramatic decrease in cardiac contractility. Analysis of double-mutant mice revealed that the cardiac hypertrophy and the contractility defects could be genetically uncoupled. PI3Kalpha mediates the alteration in cell size while PI3Kgamma acts as a negative regulator of cardiac contractility. Mechanistically, PI3Kgamma inhibits cAMP production and hypercontractility can be reverted by blocking cAMP function. These data show that PTEN has an important in vivo role in cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and GPCR signaling and identify a function for the PTEN-PI3Kgamma pathway in the modulation of heart muscle contractility.
Shirakami, Toyonaga, Tsuruzoe, Shirotani, Matsumoto, Yoshizato, Kawashima, et al. (2002) 2002. “Heterozygous knockout of the IRS-1 gene in mice enhances obesity-linked insulin resistance: a possible model for the development of type 2 diabetes”. J Endocrinol 174 (2): 309-19.
Insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1) gene polymorphisms have been identified in type 2 diabetic patients; however, it is unclear how such polymorphisms contribute to the development of diabetes. Here we introduced obesity in heterozygous IRS-1 knockout (IRS-1(+/-)) mice by gold-thioglucose (GTG) injection and studied the impact of reduced IRS-1 expression on obesity-linked insulin resistance. GTG injection resulted in approximately 30% weight gain in IRS-1(+/-) and wild type (WT) mice, compared with saline-injected controls. There was no difference in insulin sensitivity between lean IRS-1(+/-) and lean WT. Elevated fasting insulin levels but no change in fasting glucose were noted in obese IRS-1(+/-) and WT compared with the respective lean controls. Importantly, fasting insulin in obese IRS-1(+/-) was 1.5-fold higher (P0.05) than in obese WT, and an insulin tolerance test showed a profound insulin resistance in obese IRS-1(+/-) compared with obese WT. The islets of obese IRS-1(+/-) were 1.4-fold larger than those of obese WT. The expression of insulin receptor and IRS-1 and IRS-2 was decreased in obese IRS-1(+/-), which could in part explain the profound insulin resistance in these mice. Our results suggest that IRS-1 is the suspected gene for type 2 diabetes and its polymorphisms could worsen insulin resistance in the presence of other additional factors, such as obesity.
Shiojima, Ichiro, Mikkael Yefremashvili, Zhengyu Luo, Yasuko Kureishi, Akihiro Takahashi, Jingzang Tao, Anthony Rosenzweig, Ronald Kahn, Dale Abel, and Kenneth Walsh. 2002. “Akt signaling mediates postnatal heart growth in response to insulin and nutritional status”. J Biol Chem 277 (40): 37670-7.
Akt is a serine-threonine kinase that mediates a variety of cellular responses to external stimuli. During postnatal development, Akt signaling in the heart was up-regulated when the heart was rapidly growing and was down-regulated by caloric restriction, suggesting a role of Akt in nutrient-dependent regulation of cardiac growth. Consistent with this notion, reductions in Akt, 70-kDa S6 kinase 1, and eukaryotic initiation factor 4E-binding protein 1 phosphorylation were observed in mice with cardiac-specific deletion of insulin receptor gene, which exhibit a small heart phenotype. In contrast to wild type animals, caloric restriction in these mice had little effect on Akt phosphorylation in the heart. Furthermore, forced expression of Akt1 in these hearts restored 70-kDa S6 kinase 1 and eukaryotic initiation factor 4E-binding protein 1 phosphorylation to normal levels and rescued the small heart phenotype. Collectively, these results indicate that Akt signaling mediates insulin-dependent physiological heart growth during postnatal development and suggest a mechanism by which heart size is coordinated with overall body size as the nutritional status of the organism is varied.
Yechoor, Vijay, Mary-Elizabeth Patti, Robert Saccone, and Ronald Kahn. 2002. “Coordinated patterns of gene expression for substrate and energy metabolism in skeletal muscle of diabetic mice”. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 99 (16): 10587-92.
Metabolic abnormalities underlying diabetes are primarily the result of the lack of adequate insulin action and the associated changes in protein phosphorylation and gene expression. To define the full set of alterations in gene expression in skeletal muscle caused by diabetes and the loss of insulin action, we have used Affymetrix oligonucleotide microarrays and streptozotocin-diabetic mice. Of the genes studied, 235 were identified as changed in diabetes, with 129 genes up-regulated and 106 down-regulated. Analysis revealed a coordinated regulation at key steps in glucose and lipid metabolism, mitochondrial electron transport, transcriptional regulation, and protein trafficking. mRNAs for all of the enzymes of the fatty acid beta-oxidation pathway were increased, whereas those for GLUT4, hexokinase II, the E1 component of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, and subunits of all four complexes of the mitochondrial electron transport chain were all coordinately down-regulated. Only about half of the alterations in gene expression in diabetic mice could be corrected toward normal after 3 days of insulin treatment and euglycemia. These data point to as of yet undefined mechanisms for highly coordinated regulation of gene expression by insulin and potential new targets for therapy of diabetes mellitus.
Bluher, Matthias, Dodson Michael, Odile Peroni, Kohjiro Ueki, Nathan Carter, Barbara Kahn, and Ronald Kahn. (2002) 2002. “Adipose tissue selective insulin receptor knockout protects against obesity and obesity-related glucose intolerance”. Dev Cell 3 (1): 25-38.
Insulin signaling in adipose tissue plays an important role in lipid storage and regulation of glucose homeostasis. Using the Cre-loxP system, we created mice with fat-specific disruption of the insulin receptor gene (FIRKO mice). These mice have low fat mass, loss of the normal relationship between plasma leptin and body weight, and are protected against age-related and hypothalamic lesion-induced obesity, and obesity-related glucose intolerance. FIRKO mice also exhibit polarization of adipocytes into populations of large and small cells, which differ in expression of fatty acid synthase, C/EBP alpha, and SREBP-1. Thus, insulin signaling in adipocytes is critical for development of obesity and its associated metabolic abnormalities, and abrogation of insulin signaling in fat unmasks a heterogeneity in adipocyte response in terms of gene expression and triglyceride storage.
Hamer, Foti, Emkey, Cordier-Bussat, Philippe, De Meyts, Maeder, Kahn, and Carpentier. (2002) 2002. “An arginine to cysteine(252) mutation in insulin receptors from a patient with severe insulin resistance inhibits receptor internalisation but preserves signalling events”. Diabetologia 45 (5): 657-67.
AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: We examined the properties of a mutant insulin receptor (IR) with an Arg(252) to Cys (IR(R252C)) substitution in the alpha-subunit originally identified in a patient with extreme insulin resistance and acanthosis nigricans. METHODS: We studied IR cell biology and signalling pathways in Chinese Hamster Ovary cells overexpressing this IR(R252C). RESULTS: Our investigation showed an impairment in insulin binding to IR(R252C) related mostly to a reduced affinity of the receptor for insulin and to a reduced rate of IR(R252C) maturation; an inhibition of IR(R252C)-mediated endocytosis resulting in a decreased insulin degradation and insulin-induced receptor down-regulation; a maintenance of IR(R252C) on microvilli even in the presence of insulin; a similar autophosphorylation of mutant IR(R252C) followed by IRS 1/IRS 2 phosphorylation, p85 association with IRS 1 and IRS 2 and Akt phosphorylation similar to those observed in cells expressing wild type IR (IRwt); and finally, a reduced insulin-induced Shc phosphorylation accompanied by decreased ERK1/2 phosphorylation and activity and of thymidine incorporation into DNA in cells expressing IR(R252C) as compared to cells expressing IRwt. CONCLUSION/INTERPRETATION: These observations suggest that: parameters other than tyrosine kinase activation participate in or control the first steps of IR internalisation or both; IR-mediated IRS 1/2 phosphorylation can be achieved from the cell surface and microvilli in particular; Shc phosphorylation and its subsequent signalling pathway might require IR internalisation; defective IR endocytosis correlates with an enhancement of some biological responses to insulin and attenuation of others.
Mauvais-Jarvis, Franck, Rohit Kulkarni, and Ronald Kahn. (2002) 2002. “Knockout models are useful tools to dissect the pathophysiology and genetics of insulin resistance”. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 57 (1): 1-9.
OBJECTIVE: The development of type 2 diabetes is linked to insulin resistance coupled with a failure of pancreatic beta-cells to compensate by adequate insulin secretion. DESIGN: Here, we review studies obtained from genetically engineered mice that provide novel insights into the pathophysiology of insulin resistance. RESULTS: Knockout models with monogenic impairment in insulin action have highlighted the potential role for insulin signalling molecules in insulin resistance at a tissue-specific level. Polygenic models have strengthened the idea that minor defects in insulin secretion and insulin action, when combined, can lead to diabetes, emphasizing the importance of interactions of different genetic loci in the production of diabetes. Knockout models with tissue-specific alterations in glucose or lipid metabolism have dissected the individual contributions of insulin-responsive organs to glucose homeostasis. They have demonstrated the central role of fat as an endocrine tissue in the maintenance of insulin sensitivity and the development of insulin resistance. Finally, these models have shown the potential role of impaired insulin action in pancreatic beta-cells and brain in the development of insulin deficiency and obesity.
Tseng, Yu-Hua, Kohjiro Ueki, Kristina Kriauciunas, and Ronald Kahn. 2002. “Differential roles of insulin receptor substrates in the anti-apoptotic function of insulin-like growth factor-1 and insulin”. J Biol Chem 277 (35): 31601-11.
Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and insulin are known to prevent apoptosis. The signaling network of IGF-1 and insulin occurs via multiple pathways involving different insulin receptor substrates (IRSs). To define their roles in the anti-apoptotic function of IGF-1 and insulin, we established brown pre-adipocyte cell lines from wild-type and IRS knockout (KO) animals. In response to 16 h of serum deprivation, IRS-1-deficient cells showed a significant decrease in response to IGF-1 protection from apoptosis, whereas no changes were observed in the IRS-2, IRS-3, or IRS-4 KO cells. Five hours after serum withdrawal, cells already began to undergo apoptosis. At this early time point, IGF-1 and insulin were able to protect both wild-type and IRS-1 KO cells from death by 85-90%. After a longer period of serum deprivation, the protective ability of insulin and IGF-1 was decreased, and this was especially reduced in the IRS-1 KO cells. Reconstitution of these cells with IRS-1, IRS-2, IRS-3, or IRS-1/IRS-2 chimeras restored the anti-apoptotic effects of IGF-1, whereas overexpression of IRS-4 had no effect at long time points and actually reduced the effect of IGF-1 at the short time point. The biochemical basis of the defect in anti-apoptosis was not dependent on phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinase; whereas phosphoinositide 3-kinase activity was decreased by 30% in IRS-1 KO cells. Akt phosphorylation was slightly reduced in these cells. Phosphorylation of the transcription factors cAMP response element-binding protein and FKHR by IGF-1 and insulin was markedly reduced in IRS-1 KO cells. In addition, both IGF-1 and insulin prevented caspase-3 cleavage in the wild-type cells, and this effect was greatly reduced in the IRS-1-deficient cells. These findings suggest that the IRS proteins may play differential roles in the anti-apoptotic effects of IGF-1 and insulin in brown pre-adipocytes, with IRS-1 being predominant, possibly acting through caspase-3-, CREB-, and FKHR-dependent mechanisms.