Publications by Year: 2000


Fasshauer, Klein, Ueki, Kriauciunas, Benito, White, and Kahn. 2000. “Essential role of insulin receptor substrate-2 in insulin stimulation of Glut4 translocation and glucose uptake in brown adipocytes”. J Biol Chem 275 (33): 25494-501.
Insulin and insulin-like growth factor I signals are mediated via phosphorylation of a family of insulin receptor substrate (IRS) proteins, which may serve both complementary and overlapping functions in the cell. To study the metabolic effects of these proteins in more detail, we established brown adipocyte cell lines from wild type and various IRS knockout (KO) animals and characterized insulin action in these cells in vitro. Preadipocytes derived from both wild type and IRS-2 KO mice could be fully differentiated into mature brown adipocytes. In differentiated IRS-2 KO adipocytes, insulin-induced glucose uptake was decreased by 50% compared with their wild type counterparts. This was the result of a decrease in insulin-stimulated Glut4 translocation to the plasma membrane. This decrease in insulin-induced glucose uptake could be partially reconstituted in these cells by retrovirus-mediated re-expression of IRS-2, but not overexpression of IRS-1. Insulin signaling studies revealed a total loss of IRS-2-associated phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase activity and a reduction in phosphotyrosine-associated PI 3-kinase by 30% (p 0.05) in the KO cells. The phosphorylation and activity of Akt, a major downstream effector of PI 3-kinase, as well as Akt-dependent phosphorylation of glycogen synthase kinase-3 and p70S6 kinase were not affected by the lack of IRS-2; however, there was a decrease in insulin stimulation of Akt associated with the plasma membrane. These results provide evidence for a critical role of IRS-2 as a mediator of insulin-stimulated Glut4 translocation and glucose uptake in adipocytes. This occurs without effects in differentiation, total activation of Akt and its downstream effectors, but may be caused by alterations in compartmentalization of these downstream signals.
Klein, Fasshauer, Benito, and Kahn. (2000) 2000. “Insulin and the beta3-adrenoceptor differentially regulate uncoupling protein-1 expression”. Mol Endocrinol 14 (6): 764-73.
Cross-talk between insulin and the adrenergic system is important in the regulation of energy homeostasis. In cultured, differentiated mouse brown adipocytes, beta3-adrenergic stimulation induced a 4.5-fold increase in uncoupling protein-1 (UCP-1) expression, which was diminished by 25% in the presence of insulin. Beta3-adrenergic stimulation also activated mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase by 3.5-fold and caused a decrease in basal phosphoinositide (PI) 3-kinase activity detected in p110gamma- and Gbeta-subunit-immunoprecipitates in a time-dependent manner, whereas insulin stimulated p110alpha- and phosphotyrosine-associated PI 3-kinase activity. Inhibition of MAP kinase or PI 3-kinase potentiated the beta3-adrenergic effect on UCP-1 expression, both alone and in the presence of insulin. Thus, insulin inhibits beta3-adrenergic stimulation of UCP-1, and both MAP kinase and PI 3-kinase are negative regulatory elements in the beta3-adrenergic control of UCP-1 expression. Cross-talk between the adrenergic and insulin signaling systems and impaired regulation of UCP-1 might contribute to the development of a reduced energy balance, resulting in obesity and insulin resistance.
Kahn, Brüning, Michael, and Kulkarni. (2000) 2000. “Knockout mice challenge our concepts of glucose homeostasis and the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus”. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab 13 Suppl 6: 1377-84.
The failure of insulin to stimulate muscle glucose uptake and suppress hepatic glucose production represents two of the fundamental pathophysiologic lesions in type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). Defining insulin action at the molecular level, therefore, provides the critical background against which to elucidate the mechanisms of insulin resistance that underlie type 2 DM, obesity and many other disorders. Over the past two decades substantial progress has been made in identifying many of the molecular mechanisms involved in insulin signaling. Much of this progress has been due to the use of homologous recombinant gene targeting. The present review examines the various insights that have been provided by studies of knockout mice strains. Taken together, the results present the possibility of a unifying hypothesis for type 2 DM, in which insulin resistance in the beta-cell synergizes with insulin resistance in the periphery to produce the two classic defects of this disease: relative hypoinsulinemia and peripheral insulin resistance.
Zisman, Peroni, Abel, Michael, Mauvais-Jarvis, Lowell, Wojtaszewski, et al. (2000) 2000. “Targeted disruption of the glucose transporter 4 selectively in muscle causes insulin resistance and glucose intolerance”. Nat Med 6 (8): 924-8.
The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus is growing worldwide. By the year 2020, 250 million people will be afflicted. Most forms of type 2 diabetes are polygenic with complex inheritance patterns, and penetrance is strongly influenced by environmental factors. The specific genes involved are not yet known, but impaired glucose uptake in skeletal muscle is an early, genetically determined defect that is present in non-diabetic relatives of diabetic subjects. The rate-limiting step in muscle glucose use is the transmembrane transport of glucose mediated by glucose transporter (GLUT) 4 (ref. 4), which is expressed mainly in skeletal muscle, heart and adipose tissue. GLUT4 mediates glucose transport stimulated by insulin and contraction/exercise. The importance of GLUT4 and glucose uptake in muscle, however, was challenged by two recent observations. Whereas heterozygous GLUT4 knockout mice show moderate glucose intolerance, homozygous whole-body GLUT4 knockout (GLUT4-null) mice have only mild perturbations in glucose homeostasis and have growth retardation, depletion of fat stores, cardiac hypertrophy and failure, and a shortened life span. Moreover, muscle-specific inactivation of the insulin receptor results in minimal, if any, change in glucose tolerance. To determine the importance of glucose uptake into muscle for glucose homeostasis, we disrupted GLUT4 selectively in mouse muscles. A profound reduction in basal glucose transport and near-absence of stimulation by insulin or contraction resulted. These mice showed severe insulin resistance and glucose intolerance from an early age. Thus, GLUT4-mediated glucose transport in muscle is essential to the maintenance of normal glucose homeostasis.
Michael, Kulkarni, Postic, Previs, Shulman, Magnuson, and Kahn. (2000) 2000. “Loss of insulin signaling in hepatocytes leads to severe insulin resistance and progressive hepatic dysfunction”. Mol Cell 6 (1): 87-97.
The liver plays a central role in the control of glucose homeostasis and is subject to complex regulation by substrates, insulin, and other hormones. To investigate the effect of the loss of direct insulin action in liver, we have used the Cre-loxP system to inactivate the insulin receptor gene in hepatocytes. Liver-specific insulin receptor knockout (LIRKO) mice exhibit dramatic insulin resistance, severe glucose intolerance, and a failure of insulin to suppress hepatic glucose production and to regulate hepatic gene expression. These alterations are paralleled by marked hyperinsulinemia due to a combination of increased insulin secretion and decreased insulin clearance. With aging, the LIRKO liver exhibits morphological and functional changes, and the metabolic phenotype becomes less severe. Thus, insulin signaling in liver is critical in regulating glucose homeostasis and maintaining normal hepatic function.
Kriauciunas, Myers, and Kahn. (2000) 2000. “Cellular compartmentalization in insulin action: altered signaling by a lipid-modified IRS-1”. Mol Cell Biol 20 (18): 6849-59.
While most receptor tyrosine kinases signal by recruiting SH2 proteins directly to phosphorylation sites on their plasma membrane receptor, the insulin receptor phosphorylates intermediary IRS proteins that are distributed between the cytoplasm and a state of loose association with intracellular membranes. To determine the importance of this distribution to IRS-1-mediated signaling, we constructed a prenylated, constitutively membrane-bound IRS-1 by adding the COOH-terminal 9 amino acids from p21(ras), including the CAAX motif, to IRS-1 (IRS-CAAX) and analyzed its function in 32D cells expressing the insulin receptor. IRS-CAAX migrated more slowly on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis than did IRS-1 and demonstrated increased levels of serine/threonine phosphorylation. Insulin-stimulated tyrosyl phosphorylation of IRS-CAAX was slightly decreased, while IRS-CAAX-mediated phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase (PI3'-kinase) binding and activation were decreased by approximately 75% compared to those for wild-type IRS-1. Similarly, expression of IRS-CAAX desensitized insulin-stimulated [(3)H]thymidine incorporation into DNA by about an order of magnitude compared to IRS-1. By contrast, IRS-CAAX-expressing cells demonstrated increased signaling by mitogen-activated protein kinase, Akt, and p70(S6) kinase in response to insulin. Hence, tight association with the membrane increased IRS-1 serine phosphorylation and reduced coupling between the insulin receptor, PI3'-kinase, and proliferative signaling while enhancing other signaling pathways. Thus, the correct distribution of IRS-1 between the cytoplasm and membrane compartments is critical to the normal balance in the network of insulin signaling.
Hebinck, Hardt, Schöls, Vorgerd, Briedigkeit, Kahn, and Ristow. (2000) 2000. “Heterozygous expansion of the GAA tract of the X25/frataxin gene is associated with insulin resistance in humans”. Diabetes 49 (9): 1604-7.
Friedreich's ataxia (FA) is an autosomal recessive disease that has been attributed to a GAA triplet repeat expansion in the first intron of the X25/frataxin gene. Impaired glucose tolerance is present in up to 39% of FA patients, and clinically apparent diabetes is seen in approximately 18% of the affected individuals. Subjects carrying the X25/frataxin GAA repeat in a heterozygous state do not develop FA and, therefore, represent an ideal model to study the underlying metabolic defects that contribute to the diabetes associated with this disorder. In the present study, we have compared 11 first-degree relatives of FA patients (i.e., parents or heterozygous siblings of FA patients) with matched normal control subjects to study the parameters of glucose metabolism. An oral glucose tolerance test revealed diabetes in one of the heterozygous subjects who was excluded from further analyses. Using an octreotide-based quantification of insulin sensitivity, 8 of the remaining 10 study subjects showed pronounced insulin resistance, reflecting a significant difference from the control group (P = 0.001). In conclusion, a heterozygous expansion of the X25/frataxin GAA repeat in healthy individuals is associated with insulin resistance and might be considered a genetic co-factor in the pathogenesis of mitochondrial subtypes of diabetes.
Brüning, Gautam, Burks, Gillette, Schubert, Orban, R. Klein, Krone, Müller-Wieland, and Kahn. 2000. “Role of brain insulin receptor in control of body weight and reproduction”. Science 289 (5487): 2122-5.
Insulin receptors (IRs) and insulin signaling proteins are widely distributed throughout the central nervous system (CNS). To study the physiological role of insulin signaling in the brain, we created mice with a neuron-specific disruption of the IR gene (NIRKO mice). Inactivation of the IR had no impact on brain development or neuronal survival. However, female NIRKO mice showed increased food intake, and both male and female mice developed diet-sensitive obesity with increases in body fat and plasma leptin levels, mild insulin resistance, elevated plasma insulin levels, and hypertriglyceridemia. NIRKO mice also exhibited impaired spermatogenesis and ovarian follicle maturation because of hypothalamic dysregulation of luteinizing hormone. Thus, IR signaling in the CNS plays an important role in regulation of energy disposal, fuel metabolism, and reproduction.