Publications by Year: 1987


Goldstein, Müller-Wieland, and Kahn. (1987) 1987. “Variation in insulin receptor messenger ribonucleic acid expression in human and rodent tissues”. Mol Endocrinol 1 (11): 759-66.
The expression of insulin receptor mRNA was studied in human and rodent tissues by Northern analysis. Human EBV-transformed lymphocytes contained four receptor mRNA species of sufficient length to encode the entire proreceptor: 9.5, 7.9, 7.1, and 5.7 kb. In human fibroblasts, the same four species were observed; however, the 7.9 and 5.7 kb mRNAs were markedly decreased. In mouse liver, rat hepatoma cells, and normal rat brain, kidney, liver, and muscle only two mRNA species (7.4 and 9.6 kb) were detected. Each of these human and rodent mRNAs hybridized equally well with cDNA sequences encoding the binding and kinase domains of the insulin receptor. Several smaller polyadenylated mRNAs (approximately 1.8 to 3.3 kb) were also identified in human cell lines that appeared to separately encode either alpha- or beta-subunit sequences of the receptor. In rats, liver had the highest content of insulin receptor mRNA, followed by kidney, brain, and muscle. The relative amount of the two mRNA species also varied among the rat tissues. The ratio of the 9.6-7.4 kb species was 2.7 in brain but only 1.0 to 1.6 in the other tissues (P less than 0.025). Dexamethasone treatment increased the content of the two insulin receptor mRNAs in rat liver by 2-fold. The half-life of both mRNA species was 70 min in rat hepatoma cells. These findings indicate that insulin receptor gene expression is complex and regulated with differential expression of insulin receptor mRNA and/or alterations in mRNA processing among various tissues.
White, Stegmann, Dull, Ullrich, and Kahn. 1987. “Characterization of an endogenous substrate of the insulin receptor in cultured cells”. J Biol Chem 262 (20): 9769-77.
Using antiphosphotyrosine antibodies, we have characterized the tyrosine phosphorylation of an endogenous substrate of the insulin receptor in Fao hepatoma cells and in Chinese hamster ovary cells transfected with a eukaryotic expression vector containing the human insulin receptor cDNA. In Fao cells, besides the beta-subunit of the insulin receptor, a protein with a molecular mass between 170 and 210 kDa designated pp185, undergoes tyrosine phosphorylation immediately after insulin stimulation reaching a maximum level within 30 s. After 4 h of continuous insulin stimulation, the labeling of pp185 decreased to less than half of its original intensity, whereas the insulin receptor was unchanged. After 24 h of insulin stimulation, the phosphotyrosine-containing insulin receptor decreased by 75% owing to down-regulation, whereas the pp185 was completely undetectable. By several biochemical and physiological criteria, the pp185 is distinct from the insulin receptor. The pp185 and the beta-subunit of the insulin receptor were strongly labeled with [32P]orthophosphate, but in contrast to the insulin receptor, the pp185 was not labeled by cross-linking with 125I-insulin or surface 125I iodination. Unlike the insulin receptor, the pp185 was extracted from Fao cells without detergent, and tryptic phosphopeptide mapping of the pp185 and the insulin receptor yielded distinct patterns. Thus, the pp185 is not located at the external face of the plasma membrane and does not bind insulin. Treatment of Fao cells with the phorbol ester, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, stimulated the phosphorylation of two proteins with molecular weights of 170 and 210 kDa which were immunoprecipitated with the anti-phosphotyrosine antibody. Subsequent insulin stimulation increased the phosphorylation of the 210 kDa protein, but the pp185 was not detected. Increasing the concentration of the human insulin receptor in the Chinese hamster ovary cells by transfection with a plasmid containing the human insulin receptor cDNA caused a higher level of tyrosine phosphorylation of the beta-subunit and the pp185. These data support the notion that the insulin signal may be transmitted to a cellular substrate (pp185) which may initiate insulin action at intracellular sites.
Verdin, Maratos-Flier, Kahn, Sodoyez, Sodoyez-Goffaux, De Vos, Lynn, and Fields. 1987. “Visualization of viral clearance in the living animal”. Science 236 (4800): 439-42.
The early events in viral dissemination via the bloodstream were identified by monitoring the fate of 123I-radiolabeled reovirus after it was injected intravenously in rats. Continuous scintillation camera imaging showed that reovirus serotypes 1 and 3 were cleared from the circulation in less than 10 minutes by specific and distinct target organs. Reovirus serotype 1 accumulated predominantly in the lungs and the liver, whereas serotype 3 accumulated in the liver and the spleen with very little virus uptake by the lungs. Incubation of reovirus serotype 1 with a monoclonal antibody directed against the viral hemagglutinin before injection totally inhibited the clearance of the virus by the lungs. Similar results were obtained when viruses biolabeled with 35S were used. These results demonstrate that viruses can be rapidly transported through the bloodstream to specific target organs and that the localization of the viruses depends on the interaction between specific viral surface components and the target organ.
We have studied the structure and function of the solubilized insulin receptor before and after partial proteolytic digestion to define domains in the beta-subunit that undergo autophosphorylation and contain the tyrosine kinase activity. Wheat germ agglutinin purified insulin receptor from Fao cells was digested briefly at 22 degrees C with low concentrations (5-10 micrograms/mL, pH 7.4) of trypsin, staphylococcal V8 protease, or elastase. Autophosphorylation of the beta-subunit was carried out before and after digestion, and the [32P]phosphoproteins were separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, detected by autoradiography, and analyzed by tryptic peptide mapping by use of reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. Mild trypsin digestion reduced the apparent molecular mass of the beta-subunit from 95 to 85 kDa, and then to 70 kDa. The 85-kDa fragment was not immunoprecipitated by an antibody directed against the C-terminal domain of the beta-subunit (alpha Pep-1), indicating that this region of the receptor was lost. The 85-kDa fragment contained about half of the [32P]phosphate originally found in the beta-subunit, and tryptic peptide mapping showed that two major tryptic phosphopeptides (previously called pY2 and pY3) were removed. Three other tryptic phosphopeptides (pY1, pY1a, and pY4) were found in the 85- and 70-kDa fragments. Treatment of the intact receptor with staphylococcal V8 protease also converted the beta-subunit to an 85-kDa fragment that did not bind to alpha Pep-1, contained about 50% of the initial radioactivity, and lacked pY2 and pY3. Elastase rapidly degraded the receptor to inactive fragments between 37 and 50 kDa.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Krolewski, Kosinski, Warram, Leland, Busick, Asmal, Rand, Christlieb, Bradley, and Kahn. 1987. “Magnitude and determinants of coronary artery disease in juvenile-onset, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus”. Am J Cardiol 59 (8): 750-5.
The risk of premature coronary artery disease (CAD) and its determinants were investigated in a cohort of 292 patients with juvenile-onset, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) who were followed for 20 to 40 years. Although patients with juvenile-onset IDDM had an extremely high risk of premature CAD, the earliest deaths due to CAD did not occur until late in the third decade of life. After age 30 years, the mortality rate due to CAD increased rapidly, equally in men and women, and particularly among persons with renal complications. By age 55 years the cumulative mortality rate due to CAD was 35 +/- 5%. This was far higher than the corresponding rate for nondiabetic persons in the Framingham Heart Study, 8% for men and 4% for women. Angina and acute nonfatal myocardial infarction followed a similar pattern, as did asymptomatic CAD detected by stress test, so that their combined prevalence rate was 33% among survivors aged 45 to 59 years. Age at onset of IDDM and the presence of eye complications did not contribute to risk of premature CAD. This pattern suggests that juvenile-onset diabetes and its renal complications are modifiers of the natural history of atherosclerosis in that although they profoundly accelerate progression of early atherosclerotic lesions to very severe CAD, they may not contribute to initiation of atherosclerosis.
Hachiya, Treves, Kahn, Sodoyez, and Sodoyez-Goffaux. (1987) 1987. “Altered insulin distribution and metabolism in type I diabetics assessed by [123I]insulin scanning”. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 64 (4): 801-8.
Scintigraphic scanning with [123I]insulin provides a direct and quantitative assessment of insulin uptake and disappearance at specific organ sites. Using this technique, the biodistribution and metabolism of insulin were studied in type 1 diabetic patients and normal subjects. The major organ of [123I]insulin uptake in both diabetic and normal subjects was the liver. After iv injection in normal subjects, the uptake of [123I]insulin by the liver was rapid, with peak activity at 7 min. Activity declined rapidly thereafter, consistent with rapid insulin degradation and clearance. Rapid uptake of [123I]insulin also occurred in the kidneys, although the uptake of insulin by the kidneys was about 80% of that by liver. In type 1 diabetic patients, uptake of [123I]insulin in these organ sites was lower than that in normal subjects; peak insulin uptakes in liver and kidneys were 21% and 40% lower than those in normal subjects, respectively. The kinetics of insulin clearance from the liver was comparable in diabetic and normal subjects, whereas clearance from the kidneys was decreased in diabetics. The plasma clearance of [123I]insulin was decreased in diabetic patients, as was insulin degradation, assessed by trichloroacetic acid precipitability. Thirty minutes after injection, 70.9 +/- 3.8% (+/- SEM) of [123I]insulin in the plasma of diabetics was trichloroacetic acid precipitable vs. only 53.9 +/- 4.0% in normal subjects. A positive correlation was present between the organ uptake of [123I]insulin in the liver or kidneys and insulin degradation (r = 0.74; P less than 0.001). Both decreased insulin uptake in the liver and kidneys and decreased insulin degradation were inversely correlated to the binding capacity of antiinsulin antibodies in plasma of diabetics (r = -0.87 to -0.92; P less than 0.001). In summary, type 1 diabetic patients have altered patterns of insulin biodistribution and metabolism, with decreased organ uptake and slow degradation of [123I]insulin, which correlated with the insulin antibody-binding capacity of their serum. Thus, antiinsulin antibodies, even at subclinical concentrations, may modulate the metabolic effects of insulin in the diabetic by prolonging the biological half-life of the hormone as well as by altering its distribution and uptake at specific organ sites.
Grigorescu, Herzberg, King, Meistas, Elders, Frazer, and Kahn. (1987) 1987. “Defects in insulin binding and autophosphorylation of erythrocyte insulin receptors in patients with syndromes of severe insulin resistance and their parents”. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 64 (3): 549-56.
Genetic forms of severe insulin resistance are often characterized by alterations in binding and/or kinase properties of the insulin receptor. To evaluate whether alterations in insulin receptor kinase of erythrocytes can be used as genetic markers, we studied patients with two apparently inherited conditions of severe insulin resistance (leprechaunism and the type A syndrome of insulin resistance) and their families. In the two propositi, [125I]insulin binding to intact erythrocytes was decreased by 64% and 45%, respectively. This was primarily due to a decrease in receptor number and was found in intact cells and solubilization of the receptors. Similar insulin binding defects were found on monocytes. Insulin-stimulated tyrosine kinase activity of the solubilized receptor from erythrocytes was also decreased and to a similar extent as binding. Parents of neither patient had clinical manifestations of leprechaunism or the type A syndrome. Furthermore, no alterations in insulin receptor binding or kinase activity were found in erythrocytes from the mothers. Insulin binding in the father of the type A patient was also normal, whereas the father of the leprechaun had decreased receptor affinity. Receptors extracted from the both fathers' cells had a 40-60% decrease in maximal insulin-stimulated phosphorylation and significant rightward shifts of the insulin dose-response curves (ED50, 141 and 42 ng/mL, respectively; control ED50, 16 ng/mL). The finding of biochemical defects in insulin receptor kinase activity in clinically unaffected parents of patients suggests that these alterations may be useful genetic markers and more sensitive than insulin binding studies for studying pattern of inheritance of these diseases.
Kriauciunas, Grigorescu, and Kahn. (1987) 1987. “Effects of heparin on insulin binding and biological activity”. Diabetes 36 (2): 163-8.
The effect of heparin, a polyanionic glycosaminoglycan known to alter the function of many proteins, on insulin binding and bioactivity was studied. Cultured human lymphocytes (IM-9) were incubated with varying concentrations of heparin, then extensively washed, and 125I-labeled insulin binding was measured. Heparin at concentrations used clinically for anticoagulation (1-50 U/ml) inhibited binding in a dose-dependent manner; 50% inhibition of binding occurred with 5-10 U/ml. Scatchard analysis indicated that the decrease in binding was due to a decrease in both the affinity and the apparent number of available insulin receptors. The effect occurred within 10 min at 22 degrees C and persisted even after the cells were extensively washed. Inhibition of insulin binding also occurred when cells were preincubated with heparinized plasma or heparinized serum but not when cells were incubated with normal serum or plasma from blood anticoagulated with EDTA. By contrast, other polyanions and polycations, e.g., poly-L-glutamic acid, poly-L-lysine, succinylated poly-L-lysine, and histone, did not inhibit binding. Heparin also inhibited insulin binding in Epstein-Barr (EB) virus-transformed lymphocytes but had no effect on insulin binding to isolated adipocytes, human erythrocytes, or intact hepatoma cells. When isolated adipocytes were incubated with heparin, there was a dose-dependent inhibition of insulin-stimulated glucose oxidation and, to a lesser extent, of basal glucose oxidation. Although heparin has no effect on insulin binding to intact hepatoma cells, heparin inhibited both insulin binding and insulin-stimulated autophosphorylation in receptors solubilized from these cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)