Publications by Year: 1984


Maron, Taylor, Jackson, and Kahn. (1984) 1984. “Analysis of insulin receptors on human lymphoblastoid cell lines by flow cytometry”. Diabetologia 27 Suppl: 118-20.
Antibodies to the insulin receptor have provided important experimental probes of receptor structure and function. In the present study, we have characterized the insulin receptor on human lymphoblastoid cell lines using polyclonal and monoclonal anti-receptor antibodies and fluorescence flow cytometry. The cell lines were derived by Epstein-Barr virus transformation of peripheral mononuclear leucocytes from normal subjects or patients with disorders that affect the insulin receptor. Fluorescence analysis revealed a high level of specific fluorescence on lymphoid cell lines from normal individuals (mean peak fluorescence 30-50 units above the control) and was similar to the labelling of the spontaneously transformed lymphoblastoid cell line IM-9. Transformed cells from patients with syndromes of insulin resistance, such as the Rabson Mendenhall syndrome, leprechaunism and the type A syndrome of insulin resistance and acanthosis nigricans, exhibited little or no specific fluorescence. In all cases, there was an unimodal distribution of receptors on cells. In addition, there was a good correlation between specific binding of 125I-insulin and percentage peak fluorescence. The data indicate that fluorescence flow cytometry can be used to study the distribution of insulin receptor on different cell lines and to study cells derived from patients with disease states.
We have studied the effects of chronic exposure to insulin on the binding and the biologic activity of the hormone using a well-differentiated cell line (Fao) derived from the Reuber H35 rat hepatoma. Prolonged incubation (24 h) with 10(-6) M insulin produced a 20-25% decrease in binding of tracer concentrations (2 X 10(-11) M) of 125I-insulin, and a leftward shift of the curve for inhibition by unlabeled insulin. Scatchard analysis of the binding data revealed that a 75-80% decrease in the number of binding sites had occurred in the insulin-treated cells, but was accompanied by an increase in apparent receptor affinity. Kinetic studies suggested negative cooperativity in insulin binding and indicated that the change in affinity was accounted for by a decrease in the rate of dissociation. Both the decrease in receptor number and the increase in affinity were dependent on time, temperature, and the insulin concentration during the treatment period. Both effects were also blocked by cycloheximide, suggesting that they required new protein synthesis. Plasma membranes isolated from downregulated cells retained both the change in receptor number and affinity. Anti-receptor antibodies present in two human sera (B-2 and B-9) inhibited 125I-insulin binding in downregulated cells with equal or slightly greater sensitivity than in control cells. The changes in insulin binding were accompanied by changes in insulin's biologic effects in these cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Sodoyez, Sodoyez-Goffaux, Treves, Kahn, and Frenckell. (1984) 1984. “In vivo imaging and quantitative analysis of insulin-receptor interaction in lean and obese Zucker rats”. Diabetologia 26 (3): 229-33.
Imaging and quantitative analysis of insulin-receptor interaction was studied in vivo in lean and obese Zucker rats, using a recently developed technique in which purified Tyr A14 123I-monoiodoinsulin is intravenously injected and the tracer followed by scintillation scanning. The obese rats were 72% overweight, had near normal blood glucose concentrations and an 11-fold increase in plasma insulin concentration. In both groups of rats, the tracer was rapidly taken up by the liver (by a receptor mediated mechanism) and the kidneys (by a non-receptor mediated process). Past this maximum, radioactivity decreased in both organs as 123I-insulin was degraded and free 123I-iodide was released into the plasma compartment. Heart radioactivity (i.e. blood pool) mirrored that of the liver and kidneys. The rapid initial decrease of blood radioactivity was concomitant with liver and kidney uptake of 123I-insulin. Release of free iodide from these organs induced a slow secondary rise of blood radioactivity followed by a final decline corresponding to clearance of plasma iodide, mainly by urinary excretion. Liver radioactivity profiles of lean and obese rats were parallel. When expressed per g weight, liver radioactivity was significantly decreased in obese rats. However, due to hepatomegaly in obese rats, total liver radioactivity was significantly higher in homozygous fa/fa rats than in lean littermates. Furthermore, if the marked hyperinsulinaemia of the obese rats is taken into account, total bound insulin was enhanced in the liver of fa/fa rats whatever reference is used, either g weight or total liver.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Autophosphorylation of the insulin receptor was studied using a glycoprotein fraction solubilized and purified partially from the rat hepatoma cell line, Fao. Incubation of this receptor preparation with [gamma-32P] ATP, Mn2+, and insulin yielded a single insulin-stimulated phosphoprotein of Mr = 95,000 which corresponds to the beta-subunit of the insulin receptor. At 22 degrees C, incorporation of 32P was half-maximal at 30 s and about 90% complete after 2 min. At steady state, about 200 pmol of 32P were incorporated per mg of protein; this value corresponded to about 2 molecules of phosphate per insulin binding site estimated from Scatchard plots. Insulin increased the Vmax for autophosphorylation of the insulin receptor kinase nearly 20-fold with no effect on the Km for ATP. Mn2+ stimulated autophosphorylation by decreasing the Km of the kinase for ATP, whereas Mg2+ had no effect. Dilution of the insulin receptor over a 10-fold concentration range did not decrease the rate of autophosphorylation suggesting that it may occur by an intramolecular mechanism. When the phosphorylated beta-subunit of the insulin receptor was digested with trypsin, at least 5 phosphopeptides could be separated by high performance liquid chromatography on a mu Bondapak C18 reverse-phase column. Insulin stimulated the phosphorylation of all sites. These phosphate acceptor sites varied in their rate and degree of phosphorylation. Phosphopeptides pp4 and pp5 were phosphorylated very rapidly and reached steady state within 20 s, whereas phosphorylation of pp1 and pp2 required several minutes to reach steady state.
White, Werth, Pastan, and Kahn. (1984) 1984. “Phosphorylation of the solubilized insulin receptor by the gene product of the Rous sarcoma virus, pp60src”. J Cell Biochem 26 (3): 169-79.
Both the insulin receptor and the gene product of the Rous sarcoma virus, pp60src, are protein kinases which phosphorylate themselves and other proteins on tyrosine residues. Addition of the solubilized insulin receptor to purified pp60src increased the phosphorylation of the beta-subunit of the insulin receptor. Phosphorylation of the insulin receptor by pp60src occurred both in the absence and presence of insulin but did not alter the insulin dose response for autophosphorylation of the receptor. Increasing concentrations of pp60src increased the phosphorylation of the receptor and at high concentrations equaled the maximal effect produced by insulin. Our observations suggest a possible mechanism by which the metabolically regulated insulin receptor tyrosine kinase could be altered by other tyrosine kinases such as that associated with pp60src. Further studies will be required to determine if the insulin receptor is phosphorylated by pp60src in Rous sarcoma virus-infected cells.