Insulin receptor function in fibroblasts from patients with leprechaunism. Differential alterations in binding, autophosphorylation, kinase activity, and receptor-mediated internalization


Insulin receptor function was examined in cultured skin fibroblasts from three patients with leprechaunism (Ark-1, Minn-1, and Can-1), a rare syndrome of severe insulin resistance and neonatal growth retardation. All three patients cell lines demonstrated insulin binding less than 15% of control. This was primarily due to reduced affinity of the receptor in Can-1 and due to reduced number of receptors in the other two cell lines (Ark-1 and Minn-1). When expressed as a fraction of total insulin bound, the percentage of cell-associated insulin internalized and degraded did not differ between the patient cell lines and the controls. However, chloroquine, which inhibited degradation by 50% in the control cells, had no effect in the cells from the patients. When normalized to insulin binding, insulin receptor autophosphorylation was normal in cells from Can-1, but reduced in those of Ark-1 and Minn-1. In contrast, the receptor-associated tyrosine kinase activity toward exogenous substrates was decreased in all three patient cell lines. These results suggest that leprechaunism is a biochemically heterogenous disease associated with a variety of alterations in receptor function. Cells from Ark-1 and Minn-1 exhibit parallel alterations in receptor autophosphorylation and kinase activity. Cells from Can-1 demonstrate normal receptor autophosphorylation but reduced kinase activity, thus displaying a unique form of a mutant insulin receptor. Despite reduced kinase activity, all three cell lines exhibit normal rates of insulin internalization, but decreased lysosomal-mediated degradation. Our data imply that receptor autophosphorylation and kinase activity may be regulated separately and that kinase activity may be linked to insulin degradation, but not necessarily internalization.
Last updated on 03/08/2023