[B22-D-arginine]insulin: synthesis and biological properties

Knorr, Danho, Büllesbach, Gattner, Zahn, King, and Kahn. 1982. “[B22-D-arginine]insulin: synthesis and biological properties”. Hoppe Seylers Z Physiol Chem 363 (12): 1449-60.


An analogue of porcine insulin which differs from the native molecule in that the amino-acid residue B22-L-arginine is replaced by its D-enantiomer has been synthesized. The [D ArgB22]B-chain was synthesized by the segment condensation method and purified as the di-S-sulfonate by ion exchange chromatoggraphy on SP-Sephadex at pH 3.5. Combination with native porcine sulfhydryl A-chain gave [DArgB22]insulin which was purified by ion exchange chromatography on SP-Sephadex at pH 4.5 with a linear NaCl gradient. The biological activity of this analogue as measured by glucose oxidation in rat epididymal adipocytes was 2%. Thymidine incorporation into DNA of human fibroblast was 16%. The immunoreactivity using antipork insulin antibody in a double antibody immunoassay was 4%. The receptor-binding affinity as measured by radioreceptor assays was 2% with cultured human fibroblasts and 1% with rat adipocytes. These results suggest that the L-configuration at B22-arginine is essential for retaining the biological, immunological and receptor-binding properties of the hormone.
Last updated on 03/08/2023